Block matrices product using symmatrix type

2 views (last 30 days)
I’m exploring the new type symmatrix. I’ve tried the following code and I expected to obtain the same result (i.e. ans1 == ans2), but this is not the case.
Where I’m wrong ?
Many thanks in advance.
syms A [2 2] matrix
syms B [2 1] matrix
syms C [2 2] matrix
syms D [2 1] matrix
F = [A, B; zeros(1,2), zeros(1,1)]
G = [C, D; zeros(1,2), eye(1)]
ans1 = symmatrix2sym(G*F)
syms A [2 2]
syms B [2 1]
syms C [2 2]
syms D [2 1]
F = [A, B; zeros(1,2), zeros(1,1)]
G = [C, D; zeros(1,2), eye(1)]
ans2 = G*F

Accepted Answer

Pranav Verma
Pranav Verma on 21 Apr 2021
Hi Angelo,
I have brought this issue to the notice of our developers. They will investigate the matter further.
  1 Comment
Angelo Cacini
Angelo Cacini on 21 Apr 2021
Hi Pranav,
many thanks for your feedback and your support.

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