Look up value function

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Jonathan Wilson
Jonathan Wilson on 19 Jun 2013
I have found peaks from a variable and i want to back track. The function uses two variables to give out a 17x10 matrix I have the peaks of the 17x10. The 17(x) are speeds and i want the corresponding value in the 10(y) direction. can anyone help. i think i want to look up these peak values in the variable and then pick out the value used in the 10(y).
Matt Kindig
Matt Kindig on 19 Jun 2013
Could you provide some sample data, and what you are trying to determine? I'm confused about how the "peaks" of the 17x10 matrix are defined. Are these the maximum values along the first (i.e., 17 element) dimension?
Jonathan Wilson
Jonathan Wilson on 20 Jun 2013
So sample data Opteff: 0.4687 0.5307 0.5771 0.6080 0.6233 0.6324 0.6334 0.4605 0.5330 0.5784 0.6152 0.6297 0.6424 0.6424 0.4539 0.5348 0.5794 0.6199 0.6349 0.6479 0.6497 0.4535 0.5349 0.5794 0.6199 0.6352 0.6482 0.6502 0.4535 0.5349 0.5794 0.6199 0.6352 0.6482 0.6502 0.4524 0.5352 0.5796 0.6200 0.6361 0.6490 0.6514 0.4502 0.5358 0.5799 0.6201 0.6378 0.6505 0.6539 0.4480 0.5364 0.5803 0.6202 0.6395 0.6521 0.6563 0.4463 0.5369 0.5805 0.6204 0.6409 0.6533 0.6583 0.4452 0.5372 0.5807 0.6204 0.6417 0.6541 0.6595 0.4447 0.5373 0.5808 0.6205 0.6422 0.6545 0.6601 0.4447 0.5373 0.5808 0.6205 0.6422 0.6545 0.6602 0.4455 0.5371 0.5807 0.6204 0.6415 0.6539 0.6593 0.4483 0.5363 0.5802 0.6202 0.6393 0.6519 0.6560 0.4532 0.5350 0.5795 0.6199 0.6354 0.6484 0.6505 0.4579 0.5337 0.5788 0.6174 0.6317 0.6451 0.6452 0.4610 0.5329 0.5783 0.6147 0.6294 0.6418 0.6419
Columns 8 through 10
0.6308 0.6268 0.6206
0.6423 0.6372 0.6330
0.6506 0.6456 0.6430
0.6510 0.6462 0.6437
0.6510 0.6462 0.6437
0.6522 0.6476 0.6454
0.6544 0.6505 0.6485
0.6566 0.6533 0.6512
0.6584 0.6556 0.6533
0.6595 0.6571 0.6547
0.6601 0.6578 0.6553
0.6601 0.6578 0.6554
0.6593 0.6568 0.6544
0.6563 0.6530 0.6508
0.6513 0.6465 0.6441
0.6459 0.6405 0.6369
0.6416 0.6366 0.6323
And these are the peaks that is takes out from each column:
0.453505832886347 [0.534909522566739;0.537317814009404] [0.579427997890593;0.580770433756875] [0.619884299920494;0.620458536154729] [0.635203125607642;0.642171839021868] [0.648240629697268;0.654504326381147] [0.650180510479353;0.660160105353882] [0.651044020007475;0.660103316026536] [0.646195823768723;0.657824904792009] [0.643692979247038;0.655353148983061]
And for the first variable the corrisponding 17(x) represents the rows.

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