Using MATLAB, what is the best way to find the integral of a bounded range of a CDF?

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Using MATLAB, what is the best way to find the integral of a bounded range of a CDF. I've heard of trapz, cumtrapz, etc. but I do not know the best way to proceed for integrating CDFs. Please refer to the following code:
u = 1;
s = 1;
X = random('Normal',u,s,1,10000);
pd = makedist('Normal','mu',u,'sigma',s);
xAxis = min(X):.0001:max(X);
c_pd = cdf(pd,xAxis);
r = icdf(pd,[.3,.6]);
Basically, I am trying to integrate c_pd between the corresponding X values for .3 and .6 (found by using icdf). However, c_pd is a vector and not the actual cdf function. Does anyone have ideas on the best way to find the integral of this regardless of the distribution type (i.e. Normal, Rician, etc.)? Please advise. Thank you.

Accepted Answer

Mike Hosea
Mike Hosea on 7 Jun 2013
Well, you have the function as well, not just the vector. If I understand you correctly,
Aaron on 12 Jun 2013
Yes, thank you very much. And, I appreciate the clarification on needed to re-define g if pd changes. I would not have known!

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