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How to put a spline through points representing a path

19 views (last 30 days)
I have this path here. The waypoints are marked in red. The line going through each point (linearly) is in blue. The path was made programmatically - if you'd like the code to make the path it is:
%% Create Path
%have it come from the south going north
r = 15;
start_pos = [-r * 7 0 0];
%initial approach to curve
waypoints = [start_pos;
-r*5 1.9 -0;
-r*3 1.7 0;
-r*2.5 1.8 0;
-r*2 2.4 0;
-r*1.5 3.4 0;
-r*1 3.7 0;
-r*0.5 3.4 0];
%Set constant radius curve
angle_req = 90;
a = linspace(0, angle_req*pi/180, 10);
round_x = r * sin(a) + waypoints(end, 1);
round_y = r * cos(a) - r + waypoints(end, 2);
for i = 1:length(a)
waypoints = [waypoints; round_x(i) round_y(i) 0];
%Set exit
last_point = waypoints(end, :);
waypoints = [waypoints;
last_point(1) + r*1*cos(a(end)) last_point(2) - r*1*sin(a(end)) 0;
last_point(1) + r*2.5*cos(a(end)) last_point(2) - r*2.5*sin(a(end)) 0;
last_point(1) + max(r*5, 100)*cos(a(end)) last_point(2) - max(r*5, 100)*sin(a(end)), 0];
%last_point(1) + r*1*cos(a(end))- 0.2*r*sin(a(end)) last_point(2) - r*1*sin(a(end)) 0;
%last_point(1) + r*2.5*cos(a(end)) - 0.5*r*sin(a(end)) last_point(2) - r*2.5*sin(a(end)) 0;
%last_point(1) + max(r*5, 100)*cos(a(end)) - 0.5*r*sin(a(end)) last_point(2) - max(r*5, 100)*sin(a(end)), 0];
plot(waypoints(:, 2), waypoints(:, 1), 'LineWidth', 5)
hold on;
plot(waypoints(:, 2), waypoints(:, 1), 'ro', 'LineWidth', 3)
hold off;
st = sprintf("A %d degree turn (anticlockwise) of %d metre radius", angle_req, r);
grid on;
ylabel('X Distance (m)'); xlabel('Y Distance(m)')
I am worried about the fact that there could be discontinuous curvature, when I put the waypoints into the driving scenario and draw up the vehicle's trajectory.
I would like to put a smooth spline through these points (which will guarantee a curve with continuous curvature) and then resample my waypoints from there. How do I do this, considering most spline fitting tools rely on a one-to-one correspondence between x-values and y-values? I've tried the curve fitting toolbox but it sends me an error relating to this correspondence.
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 24 Mar 2021
Cubic spline provides a C^2 interpolation result, meaning the second derivatve is continuous (in fact continuity is enrured for all derivative of order <= 2). So the curvature is continuous, it might change quickly but it is contnuous.

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Accepted Answer

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 24 Mar 2021
Edited: Bruno Luong on 24 Mar 2021
Put this next-below to your code
waypoints=unique(waypoints,'rows','stable'); % <- this is required because your example as duplicated points
% Spline interpolation
axis equal
You don't have to think what kind of angle to turn and it can work for multiple winding path.
Amritz Ansara
Amritz Ansara on 24 Mar 2021
Wonderful, this works for my 180 degree turns too. The spline is cubic, right?

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More Answers (1)

darova on 24 Mar 2021
What about rotation?
R = @(a)[cosd(a) -sind(a);sind(a) cosd(a)]; % rotation maitrx
v1 = R(45)*[x(:) y(:)]'; % rotate data to make exclusive X coordinate
x1 = linspace(v1(1,1),v1(1,end),100); % denser mesh
y1 = spline(v1(1,:),v1(2,:),x1); % interpolation with spline
v2 = R(-45)*[x1(:) y1(:)]'; % rotate to original position
Amritz Ansara
Amritz Ansara on 24 Mar 2021
Though, I think Bruno Luong's answer is much more robust and flexible. I may have to accept his answer instead - but thank you very much, your solution works too :)

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