App designer - resizing axes to image size

9 views (last 30 days)
Hi folks,
I'm displaying a JPEG image in my app and currently, the axes stretch the image when the window is maximised. Is there a way to make the axes the same size as the image, so that it doesn't stretch the image to maximise the window?

Accepted Answer

Rashed Mohammed
Rashed Mohammed on 22 Mar 2021
Hi Teshan,
Since you have mentioned axes, I'm assuming you are using uiaxes to display the image. However, MATLAB has uiimage function for displaying images inside applications. This function also has the Name-Value pair ScaleMethod giving users the control over how the image must be displayed when the component area changes.
Hope this helps
Teshan Rezel
Teshan Rezel on 22 Mar 2021
Thanks Rashed, is there a way to incorporate this using the App designer, since I only see the option to include a uiFigure or uiAxes there?
Rashed Mohammed
Rashed Mohammed on 23 Mar 2021
In the App designer component library, there is an Image component which can be used in the Design View tab. You can access the ScaleMethod property once the image component is present in the component area. Alternatively you can use the following code in the Code View
img = uiimage(app.UIFigure,'ScaleMethod','none','ImageSource','image.jpg')
Hope this helps

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