How to visualize a mesh texture PLY file in MATLAB?

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I created a '.ply' 3d model (mesh texture) of an object (plants in the field) using 3D Zephyr software. I can visulize the 3d model as a solid object (not point cloud) in other softwares such as MeshLab and Agisoft. However, when I use the code below in MATLAB, it just show me the point cloud of the object. How can I visulize .ply file as mesh texture (a solid object along with its color information) in MATLAB?
ptCloudA = pcread('Plant.ply');
Thank you,

Answers (1)

Chidvi Modala
Chidvi Modala on 10 Mar 2021
Edited: Chidvi Modala on 10 Mar 2021
pcread function does not extract the color information. This feature is not available as of now. I have brought this issue to the concerned people and it might be considered in any future release.
For a workaround, you may refer to the following link. The workaround posted in the below link should work as long as the PLY file uses ascii encoding.
You can also look into the below workaround
Abbas Atefi
Abbas Atefi on 12 Mar 2021
Hi Chidvi,
Thank you for your help. However, I can visulize the PLY file (meshed object) with color information. I also can see the 3d object in 3DZephyr and MeshLab softwares as a solid object not point cloud. My question is how can I visulize the 3d model as a colorful and solid (meshed) object?
Thank you,
Chris Volpe
Chris Volpe on 27 Oct 2023
Abbas, can you clarify your comment above? In the second sentence, you seem to be saying that you are able to do exactly what you say you are seeking to do in the fourth sentence.

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