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how to know the total counts in liver

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mohd akmal masud
mohd akmal masud on 24 Feb 2021
Answered: Nihal on 23 May 2024
Hi All,
Let say i fused image between PET and CT.
Then in liver area, i got some uptake.
Then how to calculate the counts in the whole liver?
Anyone can help me?

Answers (1)

Nihal on 23 May 2024
Calculating the counts (or intensity values) within a specific region of a fused image, such as the liver in a PET-CT fusion, involves several steps, including image fusion, segmentation of the liver, and then quantification of the counts within that segmented region. Here's a general approach to achieve this in MATLAB:
Step 1: Image Fusion (Assuming Already Done)
Since you mentioned you have already fused the PET and CT images, we'll assume this step is complete. Image fusion typically involves aligning the two images (registration) and then combining the information (fusion). The result is an image that brings together the anatomical detail of the CT with the functional information of the PET.
Step 2: Liver Segmentation
Segmenting the liver from the fused image is a critical step. There are various approaches to segmentation, ranging from simple thresholding to advanced machine learning models. The choice of method depends on the quality of your images, the contrast between the liver and surrounding tissues, and the available computational resources.
For a basic approach, you might start with thresholding if there's a clear intensity difference that can be used to isolate the liver. More sophisticated methods could involve edge detection, region growing, or even deep learning models if you have the necessary labeled data for training.
Here's a simple example using thresholding:
% Assuming fusedImage is your PET-CT fused image
% This is a placeholder; you'll need to determine the actual threshold
liverThreshold = 100; % Example threshold value
liverMask = fusedImage > liverThreshold;
% You may need to apply morphological operations to clean up the mask
liverMask = imfill(liverMask, 'holes'); % Fill holes in the segmented liver
liverMask = imopen(liverMask, strel('disk', 5)); % Remove small objects
Step 3: Calculating Counts in the Liver
Once you have the liver segmented, calculating the counts within this region involves summing (or otherwise quantifying) the pixel/voxel values within the mask.
% Assuming petImage is your original PET image before fusion
% Ensure the PET image and liverMask are aligned and of the same size
liverCounts = sum(petImage(liverMask));
This code snippet sums the values of all pixels/voxels in the petImage that are within the liver region as defined by liverMask. The result, liverCounts, gives you the total counts within the liver area. Depending on your specific needs, you might also be interested in average counts, maximum counts, or other statistics, which you can calculate similarly.
  • Segmentation Accuracy: The accuracy of the liver counts heavily depends on the quality of the segmentation. Manual segmentation by an expert might be used as a gold standard, but it's time-consuming. Semi-automated or fully automated methods can speed up the process but require validation.
  • Image Registration: Ensure that the PET and CT images are properly aligned before fusion and segmentation. Misalignment can lead to inaccurate segmentation and, consequently, inaccurate counts.
  • Quantitative Analysis: Depending on your requirements, you might need to calibrate the PET counts against known standards or apply corrections for factors like attenuation, scatter, or decay to ensure the counts are clinically meaningful.
This approach provides a basic framework. The exact implementation details will depend on your specific images, the software environment, and the clinical or research questions you're addressing.




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