Matlab crashes when trying to run a function from a python module(odrive) on matlab

2 views (last 30 days)
I am having trouble calling a python module on matlab. Here is how its run in python odrv0 = odrive.find_any() and this is how i am running it on matlab odrv0 = py.odrive.find_any()
Am i doing something wrong?
Also, when run in python, the type(odrv0) is <class 'fibre.remote_object.RemoteObject'>

Answers (1)

Imran on 4 Nov 2022
Hello Vivek,
I understand that you're facing crashes on MATLAB when you're trying to run a function from a Python module.
If MATLAB crashes when you try to use a function from a Python module, then this might be caused by a version conflict between libraries shipped by MATLAB and the ones required by the Python package you are trying to use.
Starting in MATLAB R2019b, you can try the out-of-process execution mode while working with the Python interface in MATLAB. This runs the Python commands in a separate process and helps avoid potential library conflicts. Please refer to the documentation to learn more about this.
I hope this helps.

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