Output shows an 'ans=', I don't know where did i go wrong
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Jan Kyle Dismas
on 12 Feb 2021
Answered: Steven Lord
on 12 Feb 2021
So i have a program about calculating the current age of the user, my code is much similar to https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/43764-age_calculator, i only copied the process of calculation, and no gui.
So everytime i run my code, it keeps showing the "ans=" at the end and i dont know where i did wrong, can u help me out?
here is my code
function [day,month,year,YY,MM,DD,message]=bday_calc(~,~,~,~,~)
%The program will ask question to the user about his Birth date,month and
disp ('What day did you born? ');
day= (' ');
BdayDate= input (day);
%if the user typed value above 31, the program will give an error
if BdayDate > 31
disp('This is not a valid answer, Run the program again!');
if isempty(BdayDate)
disp('This is not a valid answer, Run the program again!');
disp ('What month did you born?');
disp ('In numerical value e.g (1=January) ');
month= ('');
BdayMonth= input (month);
%if the user typed value above 12, the program will give an error
while BdayMonth > 12
disp('This is not a valid answer, Run the program again!');
%For the Year, using the clock command allows to get the current day and converts it
%into vectors.
Time = clock;
DateToday = round([Time(3) Time(2) Time(1)]);
disp ('What year did you born');
year= ('');
Year= input (year);
%When the user input a year ahead from the current year, the program will
%give an error
if Year > DateToday (3)
disp('This is not a valid answer, Run the program again!');
if Year < 1000
disp('Please input valid year');
%This part calculates the age of the user
YY = DateToday(3) - DateOfBirth(3);
MM = DateToday(2) - DateOfBirth(2);
DD = DateToday(1) - DateOfBirth(1);
if DD < 0
DD = DD+30;
MM = MM-1;
if YY < 100
if MM < 0
MM = MM+12;
YY =YY-1;
if MM<12
Age = [YY,MM,DD];
%Pop-up message
message = ['Your Age Is ' num2str(Age(1)) ' Year(s) ' num2str(Age(2)) ' Month(s) ' num2str(Age(3)) ' day(s) '];
disp (message)
this is the result

Accepted Answer
Alberto Mora
on 12 Feb 2021
Edited: Alberto Mora
on 12 Feb 2021
Suppress output the function when you call it, like follow:
bday_calc; % add the ; symbol
Alberto Mora
on 12 Feb 2021
Edited: Alberto Mora
on 12 Feb 2021
Next time, please use a better title that describe the problem for your question: don't use a generic "help me".
Moreover, it the answer helps you, please accept it as sign of gratitude. In this way other users with similar problem can find easily the solution.
More Answers (1)
Steven Lord
on 12 Feb 2021
Your function is defined to return up to seven output arguments.
function [day,month,year,YY,MM,DD,message]=bday_calc(~,~,~,~,~)
When you call it with zero output arguments and ask MATLAB to display the output (by not ending the line with a semicolon) MATLAB will by default assign the value of the first output to the variable named ans (for ANSwer) and then display ans.
Alberto Mora's answer suppresses the display by ending the call with a semicolon. You could also, if you want to work with some or all of those outputs later in your session, call bday_calc with between one and seven output arguments.
[thisIsTheDay, thisIsTheMonth] = bday_calc
The year, YY, MM, DD, and message outputs will be ignored in this call since you didn't ask for them.
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