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How can I plot staked cylinders?

4 views (last 30 days)
alegio20 on 11 Feb 2021
Answered: Star Strider on 11 Feb 2021
I have a matrix in which the number of rows are timesteps, the number of columns is the number of cylinders and the values are the diametes of the cylinders for each timesteps. Cylinders have all the same heigh fixed.
What I need, and I can't figured out how to do it, is for each time step to plot the stacked cylinders with correct diameters (and then create a video of the evolution of this "storey-cake", but I can handle this part).
I attach part of the code to generate the matrix of the diameters.
Qt = [0 617 2469 5555 9876 15432 22222 30246 39506 50000 50000 44444 38888 33333 27777 22222 16666 11111 5555 0]
hf = -1.02*5+0.0148*(Qt*1000).^(0.4); % Total Height of the "storey-cake"
hf = round(hf,1);
hcil = 0.1; % Height of every storey
A = zeros(length(hf),round(max(hf)/hcil)); % Matrix of diameters
zvirt = -1.02*5+0.00524*(Qt*1000).^(0.4);
for i = 1:length(hf)
n = hf(i)/hcil;
for j = 1:n
A(i,j) = 5*(1-j*hcil/hf(i));

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 11 Feb 2021
I cannot interpret much of your code, so I created my own version to plot the cylinders. You will need to adapt it to what you want to do, specifically with the cylinder radii, since I cannot figure out how that is supposed to work.
The Code —
cylfcn = @(r) r*[cos(linspace(0,2*pi)); sin(linspace(0,2*pi))];
hold on
for k = 1:numel(Qt)
cyl = cylfcn(Qt(k)*1E-3); % Define Radius As ‘Qt(k)/1000’
hs = surf([1;1]*cyl(1,:), [1;1]*cyl(2,:), ([0;1]*hcil)+ones(size(cyl))+hcil*(k-1)); % Plot Cylinders
hs.EdgeColor = 'none'; % Turn Off Edges
hf1 = fill3(cyl(1,:), cyl(2,:), ones(1,size(cyl,2))+hcil*(k-1), 'g'); % Colour Cylinder Lower Surfaces Green
hf2 = fill3(cyl(1,:), cyl(2,:), ones(1,size(cyl,2))+hcil*(k), 'r'); % Colour Cylinder Upper Surfaces Red
% hf1.EdgeColor = 'none'; % Turn Off Edges
% hf2.EdgeColor = 'none'; % Turn Off Edges
hold off
grid on
% axis('equal')
The Plot —
Each cylinder is ‘hcil’ units in height. Note that the radii equal to 0 will not plot.
I also demonstrated how to change the properties of the different parts of the plot, so you can customise them so they appear as you want them to appear.

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