Matlab Coder coder.resize and coder.typeof unsupported for code generation

1 view (last 30 days)
I was wondering why these functions as well as a couple are unsupported seeing as they are part of the Matlab coder toolbox itself, here is the error message I am getting;
The function 'typeof' is not supported for standalone code generation. See the documentation for coder.extrinsic to learn how you can use this function in simulation.
Function 'foo.m' (#404.3235.3258), line 45, column 48:
"coder.typeof(char(zeros(1, 7)))"
Launch diagnostic report.
Is this something I am doing wrong or is this a bug the coder itself
Daniel  Clarke
Daniel Clarke on 30 Apr 2013
so we have
TtrajectoryOutput.VendOfWellCoords = [0 0 0]';
VendOfWellCoords = zeros(3,1);
coder.ceval('DRILL_ONE_STEP', ... coder.ref(VendOfWellCoords)); %#ok<ASGLU>
TtrajectoryOutput.VendOfWellCoords = VendOfWellCoords;
where we know at the start that VendOfWellCoords is a 3x1 matrix, and that its struct field counter part are the same size, but when the value is picked after our call the dll function I get the error
Dimension 1 of field 'VendOfWellCoords' is fixed on the left-hand side but varies on the right ([3 x 1] ~= [:? x 1]).
Arnab De
Arnab De on 1 May 2013
I do not see any problem with the code you pasted here. Most probably, some other part of the code is causing the problem. Can you open the report and check where exactly the size mismatch is happening?

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Answers (1)

Fred Smith
Fred Smith on 3 May 2013
coder.resize and coder.typeof are used to construct and manipulate types that are passed as inputs to the codegen command. They cannot be used from the MATLAB Code that you are generating code from.


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