How to plot already binned data
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Christian Scalia
on 28 Jan 2021
Commented: Steven Lord
on 28 Jan 2021
Hi all. I made this code that bins my data (Hs and Tp are 2 1x49 matrices). The data as you can see is already binned in bins that are 0.5 "wide". The bins go from 0 to 15.
datay = Hs;
datax= Tp;
edgesx = 0:0.5:15;
edgesy= 0:0.5:15;
valuesx= edgesx(2:end);
valuesy= edgesy(2:end);
Y= discretize (datay,edgesx,valuesx)
X= discretize(datax,edgesy,valuesy)
-valuesx and values y are used to assign bin values.
-Discretize is used to distribute the Hs and Tp numerical values into the X and Y bins
I would like to make a code that plots Y vs X as square (since the data has equal edges of 0.5).
The number inside the bin is the bin count (i.e. how many entries in that bin)
My final result should look like something on the lines of this (ignore those lines)
I attempted to reach this result by changing this code : (author @Adam Danz ) but it doesn't work as I think I'm not carefully thinking about the dimension of the matrix I want to plot
datay = Hs;
datax= Tp;
edgesx = 0:0.5:15;
edgesy= 0:0.5:15;
valuesx= edgesx(2:end);
valuesy= edgesy(2:end);
Y= discretize (datay,edgesx,valuesx)
X= discretize(datax,edgesy,valuesy)
%-------------Modified Code------------
xedges = 0:0.5:30; %Axis should go from 0-30
yedges= 0:0.5:30; %Axis should go from 0-30
% Define bottom, left corner (x,y) of each rectangle
[x, y] = meshgrid(xedges(1:end-1),yedges(1:end-1));
% Determine width and height of each rectangle
[w, h] = meshgrid(diff(xedges), diff(yedges)); %Happy with this as the data is already binned in 0.5 wide rectangle
% Normalize c matrix (0:1)
cNorm = (XY - min(XY(:))) / max(XY(:)); % This is what is not working in my case I think
% Create color matrix
% * you can use any color map:
% * if you change the color map here, change it below as well.
% * I'm setting precision here to 4 decimal places
prec = 1e4;
cmat = parula(prec);
% Assign color (row index) to each value in c
cIdx = round(cNorm * prec);
% loop through each rectangle and draw it
axh = axes;
hold(axh, 'on')
for i = 1:numel(cIdx)
% Don't draw rectangle if color value is 0
if cIdx(i) == 0
% Draw rectangle
rh = rectangle(axh, 'Position', [x(i), y(i), w(i), h(i)], ...
'FaceColor', cmat(cIdx(i), :), 'EdgeColor', 'k');
% Plot cosmetics
grid(axh, 'on')
colormap(axh, 'parula')
caxis([min(XY(:)), max(XY(:))])
%% Sanity check
% Confirm that edges are correct by drawing lines at edges.
% Save and restore axis limits
yl = ylim;
xl = xlim;
plot([xedges;xedges], repmat(ylim', size(xedges)), 'k-') %x bins, vertical lines
plot(repmat(xlim', size(yedges)), [yedges;yedges], 'k-') %y bins, horizontal lines
Adam Danz
on 28 Jan 2021
I'm trying to understand the goal conceptually.
From what I understand you have two vectors that are 1x49 and you want to display the data in a 2D grid. How do those two vectors define each value of the grid? For example, let's say the 2D grid (matrix) is called M, how do I map the value of M(i,j) to the two vectors?
Accepted Answer
Adam Danz
on 28 Jan 2021
Edited: Adam Danz
on 28 Jan 2021
heatmap plots are difficult to customize which is why I recommend using imagesc or histogram2.
This expample below uses histogram2 to produce a plot that looks similar to heatmap plots but doesn't come with the restrictions. See inline comments for details.
% Generate data
Hs = 2.5*randn(1,1000);
Tp = 2.5*randn(1, 1000);
Hs = Hs-min(Hs);
Tp = Tp-min(Tp);
datay = Hs;
datax= Tp;
edgesx = 0:0.5:15;
edgesy= 0:0.5:15;
% Plot histogram2
% * Set DisplayStype to Tile for 2D view
% * Set ShowEmptyBins to Off to hide empty bins
h = histogram2(datax, datay, edgesx, edgesy,...
colormap('cool') % colormap close to the one in your example
% Plot text labels showing value of 2D bins
% * rounding to closest integer using %.0f
% * Due to small bin size, text labels must be small (6pt font size)
[xTxt, yTxt] = ndgrid(h.XBinEdges(2:end)-h.BinWidth(1)/2, ...
labels = compose('%.0f', h.Values(h.Values~=0));
xTxt(h.Values==0) = []; % remove 0-bin labels
yTxt(h.Values==0) = []; % remove 0-bin labels
hold on
th = text(xTxt(:), yTxt(:), labels(:),'FontSize',6, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'Middle', 'HorizontalAlignment','Center');
% Other cosmetics
set(gca, 'xtick', 0:3:15, 'ytick', 0:3:15, ...
'xlim', [0,15], 'ylim', [0,15])
axis equal
% Add text describing labels
text(min(xlim), max(ylim), ...
'*Bin labels are rounded.', 'FontSize', 7, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left')
If you want the image to look even more similar to your example you need to
- Turn off the bin edge lines
- Set the face color alpha to something like 50% (0.5) which also requires setting the figure renderer to painters.
% Generate data
Hs = 2.5*randn(1,1000);
Tp = 2.5*randn(1, 1000);
Hs = Hs-min(Hs);
Tp = Tp-min(Tp);
datay = Hs;
datax= Tp;
edgesx = 0:0.5:15;
edgesy= 0:0.5:15;
% Figure renderer must be set to painters if
% your setting the FaceColorAlpha of the
% histogram object, otherwise skip this line.
% Plot histogram2
% * Set DisplayStype to Tile for 2D view
% * Set ShowEmptyBins to Off to hide empty bins
h = histogram2(datax, datay, edgesx, edgesy,...
colormap('cool') % colormap close to the one in your example
% Set transparency level and turn off bin lines
h.FaceAlpha = .5;
h.LineStyle = 'none';
% Plot text labels showing value of 2D bins
% * rounding to closest integer using %.0f
% * Due to small bin size, text labels must be small (6pt font size)
[xTxt, yTxt] = ndgrid(h.XBinEdges(2:end)-h.BinWidth(1)/2, ...
labels = compose('%.0f', h.Values(h.Values~=0));
xTxt(h.Values==0) = []; % remove 0-bin labels
yTxt(h.Values==0) = []; % remove 0-bin labels
hold on
th = text(xTxt(:), yTxt(:), labels(:),'FontSize',6, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'Middle', 'HorizontalAlignment','Center');
% Other cosmetics
set(gca, 'xtick', 0:3:15, 'ytick', 0:3:15, ...
'xlim', [0,15], 'ylim', [0,15])
axis equal
% Add text describing labels
text(min(xlim), max(ylim), ...
'*Bin labels are rounded.', 'FontSize', 7, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left')
More Answers (1)
Steven Lord
on 28 Jan 2021
As written, you don't have counts so I would use histogram2 or histcounts2.
% Create sample Hs and Tp matrices
Hs = 15*rand(1, 49);
Tp = 15*rand(1, 49);
datay = Hs;
datax= Tp;
edgesx = 0:0.5:15;
edgesy= 0:0.5:15;
N = histcounts2(datax, datay, edgesx, edgesy);
h = histogram2(datax, datay, edgesx, edgesy);
If you do have the counts in each cell, you could create a heatmap. In this case, if you're not using histogram2 I'm assuming you created N from the example above in some other way.
heatmap(edgesx(1:end-1), edgesy(1:end-1), N)
Steven Lord
on 28 Jan 2021
For missing data, store NaN values in the array. There are a few properties associated with how missing data is displayed. The standardizeMissing function may be of use to you in converting the 0's into NaN's.
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 NaN; 7 8 9];
heatmap(A, 'MissingDataColor', 'g', 'MissingDataLabel', 'Nothing to see here')
To control the order in which the Y data is displayed, change the YDisplayData property.
h = heatmap(A, 'MissingDataColor', 'w');
h.YDisplayData = flip(h.YDisplayData);
See Also
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