How to select the maximum value for each row in cell type variable in matlab?

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I have a cell type variable(Final) with dimension 279*100. I want to create a new matrix of 279*1 dimension such that i can have only the maximum value of each row in the new matrix. Can anyone please help me do this?
Thank You

Accepted Answer

Jan on 27 Jan 2021
Edited: Jan on 27 Jan 2021
Some rows of the cell Final contain only empty elements. What do you want to be the output in this case? If NaN is sufficient:
nRow = size(Final, 1);
FinalMax = nan(nRow, 1);
for k = 1:nRow
row = [Final{k, :}];
if ~isempty(row)
FinalMax(k) = max(row);
Niraj Bal Tamang
Niraj Bal Tamang on 27 Jan 2021
thank you so much. can i just replace the NaN with 0 so that it won't give any error in further mathematical calculations?
Jan on 8 Feb 2021
Of course. Simply change "FinalMax = nan(nRow, 1);" to "FinalMax = zeros(nRow, 1);

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