Clear Filters
Clear Filters

I want to terminate the program when route distance becomes 75. But in command window program keeps running till the condition of iterations is achieved.

1 view (last 30 days)
function genetic4()
xy =[
6.9409 0.2259
1.7989 5.2270
3.1137 4.5593
8.8533 3.2828
7.6421 0.9238
5.0609 5.2346
3.0046 9.0919
8.6061 8.6808
2.0093 5.1440
4.3699 2.3990
9.8835 3.0795
9.0423 3.9674
5.7818 1.1668
7.7035 2.2236
7.6342 0.8472
5.5940 9.9058
7.0005 5.8606
4.8557 6.3250
4.7683 1.9913
7.4014 1.7087
7.4623 4.4927
2.0258 4.0282
0.8051 1.0827
7.0566 1.7103
4.4705 6.1112
3.4823 4.9517
1.4722 2.7032
9.2913 3.0202
3.8684 0.0541
7.6120 0.0102
0.5414 5.1897
8.7149 2.4217
7.1843 0.8910
6.1193 6.3243
0.6303 8.1332 ];
N = size(xy,1);
a = meshgrid(1:N);
distance_matrix = reshape(sqrt(sum((xy(a,:)-xy(a',:)).^2,2)),N,N);
population = 100;
iterations = 1e4;
figure('Name','City Locations','Numbertitle','on');
[nr,nc] = size(distance_matrix);
if N ~= nr N ~= nc
error('Invalid XY or distance_matrix inputs!')
n = N;
population = 4*ceil(population/4);
iterations = max(1,round(real(iterations(1))));
pop = zeros(population,n);
for k = 1:population
pop(k,:) = randperm(n);
global_min = Inf;
total_dist = zeros(1,population);
dist_history = zeros(1,iterations);
tmp_pop = zeros(4,n);
new_pop = zeros(population,n);
pfig = figure('Name','genetic | Current Best
for iter = 1:iterations
for p = 1:population
d = distance_matrix(pop(p,n),pop(p,1));
for k = 2:n
d = d + distance_matrix(pop(p,k-1),pop(p,k));
total_dist(p) = d;
[min_dist,index] = min(total_dist);
dist_history(iter) = min_dist;
if min_dist < global_min
global_min = min_dist;
if global_min>75.000
% global_min = 80.152;
best_route = pop(index,:);
route = best_route([1:n 1]);
title(sprintf('Total Distance = %1.4f, Iteration =
rand_pair = randperm(population);
for p = 4:4:population
routes = pop(rand_pair(p-3:p),:);
dists = total_dist(rand_pair(p-3:p));
[~,idx] = min(dists);
best_of_4_route = routes(idx,:);
ins_pts = sort(ceil(n*rand(1,2)));
I = ins_pts(1);
J = ins_pts(2);
for k = 1:4
tmp_pop(k,:) = best_of_4_route;
switch k
case 2
tmp_pop(k,I:J) = fliplr(tmp_pop(k,I:J));
case 3
tmp_pop(k,[I J]) = tmp_pop(k,[J I]);
case 4
tmp_pop(k,I:J) = tmp_pop(k,[I+1:J I]);
new_pop(p-3:p,:) = tmp_pop;
pop = new_pop;
  1 Comment
Jan on 18 Apr 2013
Edited: Jan on 18 Apr 2013
Please learn how to format code in the forum. A blank line after each line of code reduces the readability. The indentation can be cleaned automatically by Matlab's editor (mark bloc, Ctrl-I).

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Answers (1)

Jan on 18 Apr 2013
It is not a good idea to let us guess, in which lines you want to perform "I want to terminate the program when route distance becomes 75". I find:
if global_min>75.000
But there is no trial to terminate the program, as far as I can see. Do you want to add a return command there?
  1 Comment
Sanuj Shukla
Sanuj Shukla on 18 Apr 2013
Edited: Sanuj Shukla on 18 Apr 2013
My program finds routes and optimizes them according to path length. My purpose of terminating at
was to find the route which has length more than 75. But I am unable to store whole work space by
% save('d')
(all routes, all distances etc). It only stores final route and final path length. What should I use to store it.

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