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Generation of dll file from a MATLAB function

10 views (last 30 days)
I have created a MATLAB function file which minimizes an objective function using "fminbnd". The objective function also has "interp2" function to look up values from a 2d lookup table. I used "Library compiler" to generate dll for the function file. It generated only one dll file. Now when i am trying to use this dll file in a different modeling environment, i am getting an error that another dll file is missing. Is this error because i used inbuilt MATLAB functions and havent generated their dlls? If so, how should i proceed further?

Answers (1)

Pratyush on 16 Feb 2024
Hi Tarun,
To resolve the missing DLL error when using a MATLAB compiled function in a different environment, make sure to:
  • Install the MATLAB Runtime on the target machine.
  • Distribute all generated files from the compilation process to the target machine.
  • Set the necessary environment variables, such as the `PATH`, to include the MATLAB Runtime.
  • Review the `MWDeployXML` file for any additional dependencies.
  • Ensure proper licensing for MATLAB Compiler and MATLAB Runtime.
  • Use the `-a` option during compilation to include any additional required files.

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