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How to use smoothing spline to fit a closed curve?

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How to use smoothing spline to fit a closed curve?
Wesley on 5 Jan 2021
Thank you very much for helping me answer this question, smoothingspline is very effective for non-closed curve fitting. I would like to try to use smoothingspline for closed curve fitting.

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Accepted Answer

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 5 Jan 2021
this will do the trick
all the best ,
x = data1(:,1);
y = data1(:,2);
centroid_x = mean(x);
centroid_y = mean(y);
[theta,r] = cart2pol(x-centroid_x,y-centroid_y);
% sort theta in ascending order
[theta_sorted,ind] = sort(theta);
r_sorted = r(ind);
% remove duplicates before interpolation
[theta_unique,IA,IC] = unique(theta_sorted);
r_unique = r_sorted(IA);
% sliding average (smoothing)
N = 50; % adjust smoothing factor
rr = myslidingavg(r_unique, N);
[u,v] = pol2cart(theta_unique,rr);
u = u + centroid_x;
v = v + centroid_y;
function out = myslidingavg(in, N)
% The function 'slidingavg' implements a one-dimensional filtering, applying a sliding window to a sequence. Such filtering replaces the center value in
% the window with the average value of all the points within the window. When the sliding window is exceeding the lower or upper boundaries of the input
% vector INPUT_ARRAY, the average is computed among the available points. Indicating with nx the length of the the input sequence, we note that for values
% of N larger or equal to 2*(nx - 1), each value of the output data array are identical and equal to mean(in).
% * The input argument INPUT_ARRAY is the numerical data array to be processed.
% * The input argument N is the number of neighboring data points to average over for each point of IN.
% * The output argument OUTPUT_ARRAY is the output data array.
if (isempty(in)) | (N<=0) % If the input array is empty or N is non-positive,
disp(sprintf('SlidingAvg: (Error) empty input data or N null.')); % an error is reported to the standard output and the
return; % execution of the routine is stopped.
end % if
if (N==1) % If the number of neighbouring points over which the sliding
out = in; % average will be performed is '1', then no average actually occur and
return; % OUTPUT_ARRAY will be the copy of INPUT_ARRAY and the execution of the routine
end % if % is stopped.
nx = length(in); % The length of the input data structure is acquired to later evaluate the 'mean' over the appropriate boundaries.
if (N>=(2*(nx-1))) % If the number of neighbouring points over which the sliding
out = mean(in)*ones(size(in)); % average will be performed is large enough, then the average actually covers all the points
return; % of INPUT_ARRAY, for each index of OUTPUT_ARRAY and some CPU time can be gained by such an approach.
end % if % The execution of the routine is stopped.
out = zeros(size(in)); % In all the other situations, the initialization of the output data structure is performed.
if rem(N,2)~=1 % When N is even, then we proceed in taking the half of it:
m = N/2; % m = N / 2.
else % Otherwise (N >= 3, N odd), N-1 is even ( N-1 >= 2) and we proceed taking the half of it:
m = (N-1)/2; % m = (N-1) / 2.
end % if
for i=1:nx, % For each element (i-th) contained in the input numerical array, a check must be performed:
dist2start = i-1; % index distance from current index to start index (1)
dist2end = nx-i; % index distance from current index to end index (nx)
if dist2start<m || dist2end<m % if we are close to start / end of data, reduce the mean calculation on centered data vector reduced to available samples
dd = min(dist2start,dist2end); % min of the two distance (start or end)
dd = m;
end % if
out(i) = mean(in(i-dd:i+dd)); % mean of centered data , reduced to available samples at both ends of the data vector
end % for i
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 5 Jan 2021
Use consolidator to handle multiple data-points at the same independent coordinate, otherwise one "random" point out of each non-unique group will be selected.
Modify myslidingavg to handle the periodic case - i.e. for the last few points include data-points from the start instead of reducing the filtering window etc.

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More Answers (1)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 5 Jan 2021
You'll get some progress moving to radial coordinates (it will not be the same properties of a spline in radial coordinates as in cartesian, but...):
r0 = mean(data1);
hold on
theta = atan2(data1(:,2)-r0(2),data1(:,1)-r0(1)); % yeah there's a function for this,
r = ((data1(:,2)-r0(2)).^2+(data1(:,1)-r0(1)).^2).^.5;% cart2shpere?
[thetaS,idxS] = sort(theta);
% make a spline-fit of r of theta, make sure to have overlap to get periodic behaviour
knots = -(pi*(1+1/64)):(pi/64):(pi*(1+1/64)); % Check this for rounding problems
sp = spap2(knots([1 1 1:end end end end]),4,...
rS = fnval(sp,thetaS);
hold on
Also have a look at the SLM - shape language modeling toolbox on the file exchange.

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