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How to enable the signal visualization blocks in the "QPSK Receiver with ADALM-PLUTO Radio" example?

3 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to use the signal visualization blocks found in the following example (QPSK Receiver with ADALM-PLUTO Radio):
However, I can not find a way to activate these signal visualization blocks as the process to do so is not mentioned in the example documentation. 
I had noticed that one sentence in the doc says, "To ensure real-time processing, the model is by default set to run in Accelerator mode, and to remove all signal visualization", but when I tried running the model in Normal mode there was no change.  How do I activate these blocks?

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 18 Apr 2024
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 22 Dec 2021
In the example model, if you double click on the QPSK receiver block, you will see the spectrum analyzer and constellation diagram blocks (4 blocks in total) as shown below.
Please right-click on each of these blocks and select 'Uncomment'. Uncommenting all these four blocks should show you the visualizations.

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