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Can i use app designer toolbox when my matlab license expire?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi, i use matlab 2020a, acamemic license. İ have a question. What will happen when my license expire? can i not use matlab any more ? or, i can use matlab but with some limitation, like not using appdesigner and other toolbox ?
More generally, which property of matlab i will be able to use, which will not? Thanks
  1 Comment
ali yaman
ali yaman on 22 Dec 2020
why do not anybody answer to me. i need your help please answer if you know answer.

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Accepted Answer

Sarvani Panguluri
Sarvani Panguluri on 24 Dec 2020
You need an active license to utilize the features of MATLAB.
When a term license expires, eventually the software can no longer be used.To ensure uninterrupted service, you may renew your license prior to the conclusion of the license term.
For more information regarding licenses, you can reach out to MathWorks Support.
Hope this helps!

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