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Generated and compiled main file does not execute

4 views (last 30 days)
I followed the instructions for generating code as dll and used with VS 2019. It did worked as expected. Unfortunately, our deployement system is linux. So I tried to generate code using Matlab coder for library along with main file. I also assigned generate and compile option in order to create executable output for the generated main file. When I tried to run the complied main file, i.e., main.o, in the terminal, it returned permission denied, then tried execute as superuser, it returned command not found. I also tried chmod +x but it returned cannot execute binary file, exec format error.
I used the following configuration for code generation
cnfig = coder.config('lib');
cnfig.GenerateExampleMain = 'GenerateCodeAndCompile';
cnfig.GenerateReport = true;
codegen -config cnfig function_x1 -args params
May I know what went wrong here?
How do I solve this issue?
  1 Comment
Ryan Livingston
Ryan Livingston on 30 Dec 2020
Are you generating and compiling the code on linux? If so, you should see a file called function_x1 in your pwd. That's the executable, not main.o. If you don't see that file, please paste the output of !ls -l in the folder from which you ran codegen.

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