plotting one variable function

8 views (last 30 days)
i want to plot a graph:
y axis: 4/(1+Ri)^2
xaxis: (1+Ri)/(2*(1-Ri)) : it should vary from 2 to 25
Ri is the only variabe.
i tried with both fplot and plot command but both are giving me different plot.
just want to know what is the correct method to plot this.?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Dec 2020
xfun = @(Ri) (1+Ri)./(2*(1-Ri));
yfun = @(Ri) 4./(1+Ri).^2;
zfun = @(Ri) zeros(size(Ri));
h = fplot3(xfun, yfun, zfun, [3/5, 50/51]); view(2); xlim([2 25]); ylim([1 1.6])
The correct upper bound for Ri should be 49/51 but in practice if you use that, fplot3 cuts off at 19 point something.
  1 Comment
danish ansari
danish ansari on 9 Dec 2020
It helps.
Thanks you very much Walter Roberson.

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More Answers (2)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 9 Dec 2020
Another approach:
sRi(1) = fsolve(@(Ri) (1+Ri)./(2*(1-Ri)) - 2, 0.01);
sRi(2) = fsolve(@(Ri) (1+Ri)./(2*(1-Ri)) - 25, 0.01);
Ri = linspace(sRi(1), sRi(2));
X = (1+Ri)./(2*(1-Ri));
Y = 4./(1+Ri).^2;
plot(X, Y)
With ‘X’ going from 2 to 25, as requested.

James Tursa
James Tursa on 9 Dec 2020
Your question is unclear. Is it Ri that varies from 2 to 25? And the y-axis and x-axis formulae you have are the coordinates of (x,y) points for a curve?
Is this what you want:
Ri = 2:0.125:25;
x = (1+Ri) ./ (2*(1-Ri));
y = 4 ./ (1+Ri).^2
  1 Comment
danish ansari
danish ansari on 9 Dec 2020
on x axis term ''(1+Ri) ./ (2*(1-Ri))" varying from 2 to 25.
yes those are the coordinates for (x,y) points for a curve.

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