center of curvature in one point of a curve

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Haloula on 18 Mar 2013
Answered: Ajith Jogi on 6 Jun 2021
Hi everybody
I have a question about the center of curvature, I have a curve (a trajectory of a vehicule) I don't have a precise function of this curve I just have some points, and I want to know the center of curvature in one point in the trajectory,I calculate the curvature but I didn't know how to obtain the center of the curvature in one point. Please help me if you know the answer.
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Jan on 18 Mar 2013
Edited: Jan on 18 Mar 2013
Do you mean the center of a circle which touchs the curve smoothly?
The radius of this circle is defined by the 2nd derivative, while the direction of the vector from the point to the center is the gradient.

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Answers (1)

Ajith Jogi
Ajith Jogi on 6 Jun 2021
Hi Haloula. I too am looking for solution for the same problem. Could you share the solution please?

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