How to take the engineering FFT (magnitude spectrum scaled correctly) of Signal in Matlab?

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Hi All
the fft function in matlab gives a theoretical mathematical fft of the signal, and is not scaled to units and is real immaginary and not amplitude-frequency
I think in better terms, I want to plot the amplitude spectrum of the signal,, with the X axis being the frequencies of the input signal.
is there an alternative way of fft to do this ? and is the following link correct?
for example if this is my signal
using the code in the link I get
which its extremums do not meet the extremums of the time signal
farzad on 30 Nov 2020
It was not possible to attach the signal file here I dont know why. It is an xlsx file of 2.8 MB. but does not get attached. I will add the code to the question as well. I have tried both of these. you can generate a random signal and check with it. my problem is not the signal
function [frq, amp] = simpleFFT(signal)
n = length(signal);
%generate the vector of frequencies
halfn = floor(n / 2)+1;
deltaf = 1 / ( n / ScanRate);
frq = (0:(halfn-1)) * deltaf;
z = fft(signal, n); %do the actual work
xFFT = abs(fft(x))/length(x);
amp = abs(fft(x).^2);
function [frq, amp] = simpleFFT(signal,ScanRate)
X=X(1:N1/2);%Discard Half of Points
X_mag=abs(X); %Magnitude Spectrum
X_phase=phase(X); %Phase Spectrum
frq=ScanRate*(0:N1/2-1)/N1; %Frequency axis
amp= X_mag/N1;

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 30 Nov 2020
The unit for the y axis of the discrete fft is the original unit per hertz. You need to integrate it over frequency to get the original unit.

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