Vector access and manipulation

4 views (last 30 days)
Fidele Adanvo
Fidele Adanvo on 22 Nov 2020
Commented: Fidele Adanvo on 7 Dec 2020
Hello everyone,
Let's say I'm doing a certain task and have to call a function.
Let's also say that there is a vector Vec = [a b c] that can contain Vec=[0 0 0] or internal numbers for example Vec=[ 3 8 10].
Let's say the output of function is Out (Vec (1)).
Of course when the Vec Vector is null Out (0) does not exist.
Is there a way to tell matlab not to consider this output Out (0)?

Answers (1)

Nora Khaled
Nora Khaled on 22 Nov 2020
do you only discard the function output for a vector of all zeros? or for zero elements.
why not use if-else
f =@(x) x.^2;
Vec=[3 8 10];
if sum(Vec)==0
disp('vector of zeros')
  1 Comment
Fidele Adanvo
Fidele Adanvo on 7 Dec 2020
With this answer we will assume that Vec=[0 8 10]; and A to another vector
and that I want to ignore access to A(Vec(1)). That logically does not exist A(0)

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