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A question regarding creation of .mat file

1 view (last 30 days)
Ampi on 4 Mar 2013
I have a question. Say I have 5 images and I have extracted the feature vectors for each of them. Now i want save all the feature vectors in a single .mat file.I have written the following code. I want to know if the code is ok or not?
img = rgb2gray(imread('E:\1.jpeg'));
[r,c]= size(img);
h = NaN(r,c,5); %pre-allocate memory
h(:,:,1) = img;
for k=1:3
h(:,:,k) = rgb2gray(imread(sprintf('%d.jpeg',k)));
save h.mat

Answers (1)

Jan on 4 Mar 2013
You do not want to save all local variables, so I assume this is better:
save h.mat h


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