Interpolating data to find the values at NaN locations in the region.
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I have a field which, when I plot, results in NaN values in between the known values. I want to interpolate the values on these NaN locations in the (blue) region only and keep rest of the region as NaN. I could not figure how exactly to achieve it.

Attached is .mat file of the field and following is the code to get the same plot.
ax = pcolor((v)); colormap(parula(50)); %caxis([30 50])
axis tight equal;colorbar
ax.LineStyle = 'none';ax.EdgeColor = 'flat';ax.FaceColor = 'flat';
ax.FaceAlpha = 1;
axis ij on equal
Accepted Answer
Andrei Bobrov
on 19 Nov 2020
Edited: Andrei Bobrov
on 19 Nov 2020
[m,n] = size(v);
[i,j] = ndgrid(1:m,1:n);
lo = ~isnan(v);
F = scatteredInterpolant(i(lo),j(lo),v(lo));
vout = F(i,j);
lo2 = lo;
lo2(97:132,4:118) = true;
vout(~lo2) = NaN;
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