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Argument Question?

1 view (last 30 days)
Cote on 29 Apr 2011
I have a homework assignment that says, "Your function will receive the name of the input file as an argument." I'm just a little confused on what that means. Does it means it will be something along the lines of:
function HW = load('data1.txt')

Accepted Answer

Sarah Wait Zaranek
Sarah Wait Zaranek on 29 Apr 2011
I think this is what they meant -
In the function file:
function outputVar = myfunction(inputVar)
% write the rest of the program here, using inputVar as you would a string
When you call the function you give it a string:
thisoutput = myfunction('data1.txt')
Cote on 29 Apr 2011
Thanks a ton!
Sarah Wait Zaranek
Sarah Wait Zaranek on 29 Apr 2011
Walter, yes I was doing that for clarity. I will change it to inputvar and outputvar.

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