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How can I plug vector values into a matrix?

3 views (last 30 days)
ms38 on 6 Nov 2020
Answered: Sreeranj Jayadevan on 17 Nov 2020
I have a matrix that depends on different x, y and z values. I want to put in different vector values in the matrix and make a series of calculations. How can I do this?
Rik on 6 Nov 2020
Do you mean you want to interpolate a 3D array? Can you provide a bit more explaination?
What have you tried?
ms38 on 6 Nov 2020
Hi Rik, thank you for your reply. I realise now my question may have been unclear. Basically I am investigating a system of 3D ODES. I have a Jacobian matrix and I want to input different vectors in the matrix, so I can calculate the eigenvalues of these matrices and then then eventually plot the trace of the matrix. I have created a for loop for a series of 1 x 3 vectors (up to a 1000 vectors) and now I want to put those vector values in the Jacobian matrix. How can I do this? (Apologies if my question is still a little unclear or silly, I'm new to MATLAB so I'm still learning what is possible and what isn't).

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Answers (1)

Sreeranj Jayadevan
Sreeranj Jayadevan on 17 Nov 2020
If 'Vec' is your 1000 by 3 vector and it is of the form
[x1 y1 z1;
x2 y2 z2;
x3 y3 z3;
and since you are finding the Jacobian matrix, you can replace the variable x with Vec(i,1), y with Vec(i,2) and z with Vec(i,3) within the Jacobian matrix and then loop through the variable 'i'. (i=1,2,3.....1000)
You can also go through the "jacobian" function and check if it helps with the problem at hand:


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