Calling the set of images in subfolder from augmented image datastore
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I have the database contain 180 images in per subfolder. I have 10 subfolder. I have to assign first 60 images in each subfolder to XTrain1, next 60 images in each subfolder to XTrain2, next 60 images in each subfolder to XTrain3.
i have included my code here. Kindly help me to loop the folders.
imagefolder = 'C:\Users\manjurama\Desktop\study\PG\PROJECT\Finger vein database multiple copy\database_10';
imds = imageDatastore(imagefolder,'IncludeSubfolders',true,'LabelSource','foldernames');
numTrainFiles = 0.75;
imageSize = [227 227];
[XTrain,YTrain] = splitEachLabel(imds, numTrainFiles,'randomize');
XTrain = augmentedImageDatastore(imageSize,XTrain);
YTrain = augmentedImageDatastore(imageSize,YTrain);
Answers (1)
on 30 Oct 2020
Edited: drummer
on 30 Oct 2020
By your last three lines, you can do the following:
Xtrain1 = XTrain.Files(1:60);
XTrain2 = XTrain.Files(61:120);
XTrain3 = XTrain.Files(121:160);
As you see, you're taking advantage of the augmentedImageDataStore properties. The Files, specifically. You can check them by typing your augmented variable in the command window:
>> XTrain
This is a workaround. You should work on getting each of your training files from different folders at different indexes as you mentioned.
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