Delete submissions to MATLAB grader

4 views (last 30 days)
Heather Lai
Heather Lai on 19 Oct 2020
Edited: Cris LaPierre on 3 Oct 2024
I have students who have submitted many attempts at their code, it is possible to do either of these:
  1. Filter so that only the most recent submission shows up for each student
  2. Delete older submissions for each student.
Some level of submission management would be very helpful for making MATLAB grader very useful.
Thank you.
Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson on 3 Oct 2024
I have students who have taken the course before and have provided solutions. Their old solutions still show up in the grader tool. I'd like to remove them as the problem has changed a bit and will require a new solution. Is there anyway to delete these old submissions?
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 3 Oct 2024
Edited: Cris LaPierre on 3 Oct 2024
One question - shoudl the students who have already taken the course stay enrolled? I.e. do you want them to be taking the course again?
If you remove students from the course, that will remove their solutions from the report. However, if you remove and then re-enroll the same student, their old submissions will reappear.
A workaround could be to add a new problem to the assignment with the updated problem. If you want to preserve the old responses, you could move the original problem to a new unpublished assignment in your course. Otherwise, just delete it.

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