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How to create windows forms in MATLAB?

8 views (last 30 days)
ramesh jallu
ramesh jallu on 31 Jan 2011
Answered: Frank Cano on 15 Apr 2019
I want to know how to create windows forms using MATLAB? Will it be like

Accepted Answer

Martijn on 31 Jan 2011
I assume you are talking about .NET's Windows Forms, if so you would need to start with loading the correct Assembly:
Then you can instantiate a new form:
f = System.Windows.Forms.Form;
And for example Show() it:
Hint: the IMPORT statement works very similar to VB.NET's Imports. So you can use it to write shorter code:
import System.Windows.Forms.*
f = Form; % No fully qualified name necessary anymore
For further information on calling the .NET framework, see the MATLAB documentation:

More Answers (2)

Jan on 31 Jan 2011
Please explain what you mean with "windows forms". If you look for graphical user interfaces, read the correpsonding chapters in the documentation.

Frank Cano
Frank Cano on 15 Apr 2019
clear all;
A=[3 4 5 6; 2 3 4 5; 5 6 4 3; 9 8 7 6]
% For bringing the max value of each column at its top
for i=1:length(A)
V=A(:,i); % Separate the column of intrest and save it as a vector V
temp=V(1) % Save its top value so that it does not vanish by over-writing
MAX=max(V); % find the max value in the vector
[nr nc]=find(V==MAX); % find the location of the max value in the form of row number(nr) and column number (nc)
V(1)=MAX; % Now shift the max value to the top by over writing existing value
V(nr,nc)=temp; % bring back the saved value of top element in temp and write it where the MAX was located
A(:,i)=V; % Now your vector is updated.Give it back to matrix A at the right location by over-writing
A % Just checking the final result is correct or not
save datafile.dat A -ascii %You can save the matrix in a data file
% For bringing the max value of each column at its diagonal position
for i=1:length(A)
V=A(:,i); % Separate the column of intrest and save it as a vector V
temp=V(i) % Save its appropriate element value so that it does not
vanish by over-writing
MAX=max(V); % find the max value in the vector
[nr nc]=find(V==MAX); % find the location of the max value in the form
of row number(nr) and column number (nc)
V(i)=MAX; % Now shift the max value to the appropriate element
by over writing existing value
V(nr,nc)=temp; % bring back the saved value of appropriate element in
temp and write it where the MAX was located
A(:,i)=V; % Now your vector is updated.Give it back to matrix A
at the right location by over-writing
% For bringing the min value of each column at its diagonal position
for i=1:length(A)
V=A(:,i); % Separate the column of intrest and save it as a vector V
temp=V(i) % Save its appropriate element value so that it does not
vanish by over-writing
MAX=min(V); % find the min value in the vector
[nr nc]=find(V==MAX); % find the location of the min value in the form
of row number(nr) and column number (nc)
V(i)=MAX; % Now shift the min value to the appropriate element
by over writing existing value
V(nr,nc)=temp; % bring back the saved value of appropriate element in
temp and write it where the MAX was located
A(:,i)=V; % Now your vector is updated.Give it back to matrix A
at the right location by over-writing
% For bringing the max value of each column at its diagonal position
% starting from the last column in reverse order
for i=1:length(A)
V=A(:,length(A)-i+1); % Separate the column of intrest and save it
as a vector V
temp=V(i) % Save its appropriate element value so that it does not
vanish by over-writing
MAX=max(V); % find the max value in the vector
[nr nc]=find(V==MAX); % find the location of the max value in the form of row number(nr) and column number (nc)
V(i)=MAX; % Now shift the max value to the appropriate element by over writing existing value
V(nr,nc)=temp; % bring back the saved value of appropriate element in temp and write it where the MAX was located
A(:,length(A)-i+1)=V; % Now your vector is updated.Give it back to matrix A at the right location by over-writing


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