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Can a GUI track commands and output them in a report?

1 view (last 30 days)
I've made a GUI environment for image processing. I want to be able to generate reports from this GUI, and I want to include the processing commands I used (with parameters) in the report. Is there any way to make MATLAB do this?

Accepted Answer

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 31 Jan 2013
Alright, you piqued my interest. Save this in a file called morphScriptGUI.m
Then run it normally and enjoy:
classdef morphScriptGUI < handle
%Create a new morphScriptGUI object.
%Sean de Wolski - MathWorks 1/31/2013
properties (Access = private)
thresh = 100;
function obj = morphScriptGUI()
%Read an image.
obj.I = imread('coins.png');
%Build the GUI
obj.hFig = figure('menubar','none','toolbar','none',...
'Name','MathWorks Rocks!');
obj.hAx = axes('Units','Normalized','Parent',obj.hFig,...
'Position',[0.1 0.25 0.5 0.5]);
obj.hList = uicontrol('Style','ListBox',...
'Position',[0.7 0.7 0.2 0.2],...
obj.hSlide = uicontrol('Style','Slider',...
'Position',[0.65 0.35 0.3 0.1],...
obj.hReport = uicontrol('Style','Pushbutton',...
'Position',[0.7 0.1 0.2 0.1],...
'String','Make Script',...
'Position',[0.65 0.5 0.3 0.05],...
'String','Threshold Value [0 255]');
obj.op = @(x)x; %default is nothing
obj.thresh = get(obj.hSlide,'Value'); %default 100
bgc = get(obj.hFig,'color');
iconAx = axes('Units','Normalized','position',[0.95 0 0.05 0.05],...
'Foregroundcolor',[0 0 0.5],...
'String','Sean de Wolski - MathWorks',...
'Position',[0.7 0 0.25 0.04],'Fontsize',8);
[icon, map] = imread('matlabicon.gif'); %pull in the matlab icon
map(1,:) = bgc; %adjust the background so it's the same as our figure
iconRGB = ind2rgb(icon,map);
imshow(iconRGB,map,'parent',iconAx); %show it
%Draw initial image:
methods (Access = private)
function obj = updateImage(obj)
%show image
imshow(obj.op(obj.I > obj.thresh),'Parent',obj.hAx); %apply operation and show it
function makeScript(obj,~,~)
%Allow user to name file
S = inputdlg('Name Your Script:','File Name',1,{'GUIoperations.m'});
if isempty(S);
msgbox('No Script Written');
S = S{1};
h = waitbar(0,'Opening File'); drawnow;
%Open it
fid = fopen(S,'a');
waitbar(0.33,h,'Writing File'); drawnow;
%Write to it
fprintf(fid,'\n%%%%Script Auto Generated by GUI\n%%Written on %s.\n\n',datestr(now));
fprintf(fid,'I = imread(''coins.png''); %%read image\n');
fprintf(fid,'BW = I > %g; %%Threshold image\n',obj.thresh);
fprintf(fid,'op = %s; %%Operation\n',func2str(obj.op));
fprintf(fid,'BWop = op(BW); %%perform operation\n\n');
waitbar(0.66,h,'Writing File'); drawnow;
fprintf(fid,'%%%%Show Results:\nfigure;\n');
fprintf(fid,'subplot(133);\nimshow(BWop);\ntitle(''Morphologically Altered'')\n');
fclose(fid); %clean up
waitbar(0.9,h,'Opening File in Editor'); drawnow;
edit(S); %Open it in editor
function obj = changeOp(obj,~,~)
%Update the current operation
operations = {@(x,~)x, ... %do nothing
@(x)imdilate(x,strel('disk',5)),... %dilate
@(x)imerode(x,strel('disk',5))}; % erode
obj.op = operations{get(obj.hList,'Value')};
function obj = changeThresh(obj,~,~)
%Get value for threshold and save it.
obj.thresh = get(obj.hSlide,'Value');
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 7 Feb 2013
It is possible though it will be difficult. Notice how many if/else statements I have above :). There's one, and it's only to check the user's input to make sure they didn't hit "cancel" on an optional question dialog.
Thus what you need to do is store the commands in a a generalized format. I did this using anonymous functions. Every operation you can do with this GUI has a generic function handle that can be inserted if that selection is picked. From here, you could do 100 operations and as long as you pick the order correctly, everything will work out. Above, I only let you pick two things, threshold and operation. But there's no reason you couldn't have 100 things and just loop over them.
Caleb on 7 Feb 2013
I'm wanting to output both the function that was run and the parameters that the user chose. To me, this would have to be done using if-then statements. Because all commands don't use the same form (they do generally, but I think I require exactness) it mucks up the process.

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More Answers (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 31 Jan 2013
Edited: Sean de Wolski on 31 Jan 2013
This questions is a little too vague to answer explicitly but let me throw an idea out there:
If you are trying to report the state of all of your sliders etc. and images in the GUI, you could have a button that generates a *.m file with snapshots of the figure at different states and text comments etc. This could then be published using publish(). You could write equivalent commands into this *.m file.
E.g. if one button does a morphological erosion of an image with a strel selected from a listbox and shows it. You could write the following code to the *.m file.
st = strel('diamond',4); %diamond is string{value} from listbox
Ieroded = imerode(I,st);
Use fprintf() to write code automatically.
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 31 Jan 2013
It depends on your GUI. You would get() all of the various information about the inputs, variables and operations you are receiving and then fprintf() it.
If I have tim elater, I'll make a simple example.
Caleb on 31 Jan 2013
That would be wonderful. Post a link here if you decide to do that.

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