- The known values are sent into function as parameters
- The function Tc can be called directly or can be called using function handle
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How do I call a function within another function AND How do I input known variables in function?
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Hello. I want to write below equation in matlab code. in this problem unknown variable is x = optimalsize(0 , 2 , 5, 7, 8 , 9 , 10kW) and others known. BUT I have 3 questions.
- how to input known variables in this function?
- how to call Tc function in P function ?
- how to know which number is optimal size
I tried to write below equation in matlab code. but it doesn't work.
PLEASE, Help me

function [P, Tc] = stfunction(Ppv_rated, x, G , Gref, Kt, Tref, Tamb)
Tc = @ndfunction;
P = (Ppv_rated * x) * (G/Gref)*(1 + Kt*(Tc - Tref));
function Tc = ndfunction(Tamb, G)
Tc = Tamb + (0.0256 * G);
Answers (1)
Monisha Nalluru
on 16 Sep 2020
For the above question
Since the problem is to find optimal size for different x values. We first need to iterate through x and calculate the Ppv-out
As example
x=[0,2,5,7,8,9,10]; % x-values given
ppv_out=[]; % output gor each x-value
% declare the ppv_rated,G,Gref,kt,Tref,Tamb
for i=1:length(x)
function [P] = stfunction(Ppv_rated, x, G , Gref, Kt, Tref, Tamb)
Tchandle = @ndfunction; % function handle created
Tc=Tchandle(Tamb,G); % Tc value is calculated
P = (Ppv_rated * x) * (G/Gref)*(1 + Kt*(Tc - Tref)); % ppv_out calcuated
function Tc = ndfunction(Tamb, G)
Tc = Tamb + (0.0256 * G);
disp(P) % display the calcualted P value
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