Plot one Variable over another
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clear variables; close all; clc;
phi_dot = 60
aileron = (phi_dot)*0.5;
damp = (100 - aileron)/100;
servo_r = aileron*damp;
servo_l = -aileron*damp;
I'm trying to plot the value of "servo_l" for each value of "phi_dot" between 0 and 90.
How should I structure my syntax?
Answers (1)
Vidhi Agarwal
on 10 Dec 2024
I understand you are trying to plot the value of servo_l for each value of phi_dot between 0 and 90. MATLAB's vectorized operations and the "plot' function might be helpful for the same.
Below is the revised code showing how to achieve the same:
clear variables; close all; clc;
% Define the range for phi_dot
phi_dot = 0:1:90; % Create a vector from 0 to 90 with step size 1
% Calculate aileron, damp, and servo_l for each phi_dot
aileron = phi_dot * 0.5;
damp = (100 - aileron) / 100;
servo_l = -aileron .* damp; % Element-wise multiplication
% Plot servo_l against phi_dot
plot(phi_dot, servo_l, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('\phi_{dot} (degrees/s)');
ylabel('Servo L');
title('Servo L vs \phi_{dot}');
grid on;
For better understanding of "plot" function, refer to the following documentation:
Hope this helps!
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