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on 12 Aug 2020
Commented: hosein Javan
on 13 Aug 2020
I have a function "dydt=Q(Cin-y)-(Vs/H1)(1-Fd)CT-(K1/H1)(CD1-CD2)"
There are values that are constant (all but Q and Cin)
I want to start on that function but it is difficult since I'm not familiar with matlab if I can have a full written code I will be more than thankful
It is for learning purpose: video links will also be much appreciated
Accepted Answer
hosein Javan
on 12 Aug 2020
Edited: hosein Javan
on 12 Aug 2020
I assumed that "y" must not be a constant since you have dy/dt. therefore I made it an input for the function
% define your constans here:
Vs =
H1 =
Fd =
CT =
K1 =
H1 =
CD1 =
CD2 =
% function definition:
dydt = @(Q,Cin,y) Q.*(Cin-y)-(Vs/H1)*(1-Fd)*CT-(K1/H1)*(CD1-CD2)
if you want to call(calculate) the function for a specific set of inputs, simply use the syntax:
% define input arguments:
Q =
Cin =
y =
% call function
% notice that if you varaibles depend on time or any other varibles, they must be defined
% as functions too, like:
% Q = @(t) 1+t.^2
More Answers (2)
Sulaymon Eshkabilov
on 12 Aug 2020
Here is a nice tutorial that explains everything what you need for your exercise.
John D'Errico
on 12 Aug 2020
Edited: John D'Errico
on 12 Aug 2020
Note that a random variable is a well defined term in mathematics and statistics, though much of the time when I see someone use that phrase, it is merely a way of describing a variable where they do not know the value, or where their professor will decide to call their code with some unknown value.
So, is this just a question about how to solve an ordinary differential equation, or how to solve a stochastic differential equation, thus an SDE?
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