How do I get the final URL from a redirect link? (like requests.get from python)?

11 views (last 30 days)
I'm using a SERP API to return Google Shopping links, and sometimes it returns Google aclk redirect links. In Python, the requests.get command and accessing the .url field gives me what I'm looking for. I tried using python within Matlab and it works with a single url, but when I try to use within a for loop it always freezes.

Answers (1)

Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami on 7 Apr 2022
You can use the interface to follow the redirects.
request =;
uri ='');
[response,completedrequest,history] = send(request,uri);
finaluri = history(end).URI;
URI with properties: Scheme: "https" UserInfo: [0×0 string] Host: "" Port: [] EncodedAuthority: "" Path: ["" "maps" "place" "Houston,+TX,+USA" "@29.8174782,-95.6814846,10z" "data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8640b8b4488d8501:0xca0d02def365053b!8m2!3d29.7596088!4d-95.3723145"] EncodedPath: "/maps/place/Houston,+TX,+USA/@29.8174782,-95.6814846,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8640b8b4488d8501:0xca0d02def365053b!8m2!3d29.7596088!4d-95.3723145" Query: [1×1] EncodedQuery: "shorturl=1" Fragment: [0×0 string] Absolute: 1 EncodedURI: ",+TX,+USA/@29.8174782,-95.6814846,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8640b8b4488d8501:0xca0d02def365053b!8m2!3d29.7596088!4d-95.3723145?shorturl=1"

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