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Hello, I have different time series data in differend time spane. eg. One I have from year 2004 to 2011 and one I have year 2007 to 2011 . How to get a plot so that I can get both time series with my X- axis within the range from 2004 to 2011

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Hello, I have different time series data in differend time spane. eg. One I have from year 2004 to 2011 and one I have year 2007 to 2011 . How to get a plot so that I can get both time series with my X- axis within the range from 2004 to 2011

Answers (1)

José-Luis on 23 Dec 2012
Assuming you have your dates as a Matlab serial date number, and that you want to set the limits in the active figure:
set(gcf,'XLim',[datenum(2004,1,1) datenum(2011,12,31]);
If you don't know what a serial date number is, please have a look at
doc datenum

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