How to create multiple files with given one file name

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d = 'E:\\ \\ DummyFile\\';
filePattern = fullfile(d, 'Run*');
file = dir(filePattern)
n = length(file)
for k = 1:n
baseFileName = file(k).name;
FullFileName = fullfile(d, baseFileName, 'dummy.csv');
temp = readtable(FullFileName, 'ReadVariableNames' true, 'ReadRowsNames' true);
for k ==1:
x = Nan(size(temp,1), size(temp, 2), n);
rowNames = temp.Properties.RowNames;
colNames = temp.Properties.VariableNames;
x(:, :, k) = temp{:, :};
%Finding Average and Std
Avg = mean(x,3);
Standard_deviation = std(x,0,3)
index_val = 1:size(x,3) % gives 1-30 numbers bez its total 30 files
for i=1:size(x,1) %looping over 96 of rows
for j=1:size(x,2) %looping over 20 of cols
y(:) = x(i, j, :)
p = polyfit(index_val, y, 1)
slope(i,j) = p(1);
%Convert Calculation back to table format for easier display
AvgT = array2table(Avg, 'VariableNames', colNames, 'RowNames', rowNames);
StdT = array2table(standard_deviation, 'VariableNames', colNames, 'RowNames', rowNames);
SlopeT = array2table(slope, 'VariableNames', colNames, 'RowNames', rowNames);
%I want to create a AvgT, StdT, and SlopeT files with given a one output file name, how should I do that? for example, when i give a file name output.csv then it will automattically create three output files as Output_AvgT.csv, Output_StdT.csv, and Output_SlopeT.csv
% Ask for the name of the file that the user wants to save.
startingFolder = d
defaultFileName = fullfile(startingFolder, '*.*');
[baseFileName, folder] = uiputfile(defaultFileName, 'Specify a file');
if baseFileName == 0
% User clicked the Cancel button.
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName)
% Open file for writing.
fid = fopen(fullFileName, 'wt');
if fid ~= -1
% Was able to open it successfully, now write stuff into it.
writetable(AvgT, fullFileName, 'Delimiter', ',', 'WriteRowNames', true);
writetable(StdT, fullFileName, 'Delimiter', ',', 'WriteRowNames', true);
writetable(SlopeT, fullFileName, 'Delimiter', ',', 'WriteRowNames', true);
errorMessage = sprintf('Error opening %s for output.', fullFileName);

Accepted Answer

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 10 Jul 2020
I'd do something like this:
fn = '/some/where/output.csv';
[pth,nmn,ext] = fileparts(fn);
nnmn = fullfile(pth,[nmn,'_std',ext]) % just make sure that ext comes with a leading '.'
That should give you the idea.
For more elaborate namings you can obviously use sprintf to include numbering and whatnot.
Utsav Dobhi
Utsav Dobhi on 15 Jul 2020
How should i generate three different file with given one file name from above code?
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 15 Jul 2020
Edited: Bjorn Gustavsson on 15 Jul 2020
Should be just as simple as modifying thefilename assignment for the three different filenames you want:
nnmn1 = fullfile(pth,[nmn,'_stdT',ext]);
nnmn2 = fullfile(pth,[nmn,'_avgT',ext]);
nnmn3 = fullfile(pth,[nmn,'_SlopeT',ext]);

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