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How can i extract specific points that meet a condition from given data?

4 views (last 30 days)
Hello there,
I want to detect the points that belongs to the second circle in the plot.
These are my coordinates:
I tried this:
%% Our Problem
% We want to detect points belonging to the second circle in the middle.
% We look for points that have a distance less than 30 to the start-
% point and save them in a new Matrix called D
% Replace the start-point with a new one, the maximum of Matrix D.
% Find new points, go on til we dont find any new points nearby.
start(1,:) = circlestartingpoints(2,:)
D = circlestartingpoints(2,:);
distances = 1;
while min(distances) < 30
dx = X(:,1) - start(1,1); dy = X(:,2) - start(1,2);
distances = sqrt(dx.^2+dy.^2);
indx = find(distances > 0 & distances < 30);
D = [D;X(indx,:)];
start(1,:) = max(D);
X(indx,:) = [];
D = unique(D, 'rows')
It works somehow, but it doesnt save every point that belongs to the circle segment.
I attached the used matrix "xycoords.txt'
This is my code.
X = readmatrix('xycoords.txt');
%% 1) find approximatley intersection with y-axis
X0 = yintersectionappr(X(:,1), X(:,2), 10)
%% 2) Detect starting points of circles and how many circles we have
circlestartingpoints = detectstartingpoints(X0)
n = size(circlestartingpoints, 1)
%% 3) Plot data, plot circlestartingpoints in red colour.
scatter(x, y, 20, 'MarkerEdgeColor', [0 .5 .5], 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 .7 .7])
axis equal
hold on
scatter(circlestartingpoints(:,1), circlestartingpoints(:,2), 50, 'MarkerEdgeColor','red', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'red')
hold off
%% Our Problem
%% 4) We want to detect points belonging to the second circle in the middle.
% We look for points that have a distance less than 30 to the start-
% point and save them in a new Matrix called D
% Replace the start-point with a new one, the maximum of Matrix D.
% Find new points, go on til we dont find any new points nearby.
start(1,:) = circlestartingpoints(2,:)
D = circlestartingpoints(2,:);
distances = 1
while min(distances) < 30
dx = X(:,1) - start(1,1); dy = X(:,2) - start(1,2);
distances = sqrt(dx.^2+dy.^2);
indx = find(distances > 0 & distances < 30);
D = [D;X(indx,:)];
start(1,:) = max(D);
X(indx,:) = [];
D = unique(D, 'rows')
scatter(x, y, 20, 'MarkerEdgeColor', [0 .5 .5], 'MarkerFaceColor', [0 .7 .7])
axis equal
hold on
scatter(D(:,1), D(:,2), 'green')
function circlestartingpoints = detectstartingpoints(X0)
k = 1;
%Detect sarting points of circles
%Save minimum x-value in variable "circlestartingpoints"
%k is the group number of each circle
while isempty(X0) == 0
wert = min(X0(:,2));
findvalues = find(X0(:,2) < wert + 50)
circlestartingpoints(k,1) = min(X0(findvalues,1))
circlestartingpoints(k,2) = min(X0(findvalues,2))
X0(findvalues,:) = [];
k = k + 1;
function X0 = yintersectionappr(x, y,value)
x0 = find(x > (-1)*value & x < value); %Finde Punkte, die einen Schnittpunkt mit der y-Achse haben
X0 = unique([x(x0), y(x0)], 'rows');
I tried another code (see function circledatasearch()) for a test plot with some circles, it works very good but doesnt work for my matrix 'xycoords.txt'
yintersectionappr() and detectstartingpoints(X0) are the same functions as above.
%%Create Circles
R1 = 600; R2 = 900; x_c = 60; y_c = 60; mult = 2; mult1 = 5;
thetas1 = 0:pi/64:0.9*pi; thetas2 = 0:pi/64:0.75*pi;
xs1 = x_c + R1*cos(thetas1);
ys1 = y_c + R1*sin(thetas1);
xs2 = x_c + R2*cos(thetas2);
ys2 = y_c + R2*sin(thetas2);
xs1 = xs1+mult*normrnd(0,1)
ys1 = ys1+mult*normrnd(0,1)
xs2 = xs2+mult*normrnd(0,1)
ys2 = ys2+mult*normrnd(0,1)
xs3 = xs1+mult1*normrnd(0,1)
ys3 = ys1+mult1*normrnd(0,1)
x = [xs1,xs3, xs2]';
y = [ys1,ys3, ys2]';
axis equal
%Find points
X = [x,y]; X = sortrows(X,2,"ascend");
X0 = yintersectionappr(x, y,20)
circlestartingpoints = detectstartingpoints(X0)
n = size(circlestartingpoints, 1)
circledatapoints = circledatasearch(X, circlestartingpoints(2,:))
xdata = circledatapoints(:,1);
ydata = circledatapoints(:,2);
function circledatapoints = circledatasearch(X, circlestartingpoints)
%Neue Nearestneighboursuche
circledatapoints(1,1) = circlestartingpoints(1,1);
circledatapoints(1,2) = circlestartingpoints(1,2);
start(1,1) = circlestartingpoints(1,1);
start(1,2) = circlestartingpoints(1,2);
f = 2;
while true
distance = sqrt((X(:,1)-start(1,1)).^2+(X(:,2)-start(1,2)).^2);
finddistances = find(distance < 50)
circledatapoints(f,1) = max(X(finddistances,1));
rownumber = find(X == circledatapoints(f,1));
circledatapoints(f,2) = X(rownumber,2);
start(1,1) = circledatapoints(f,1);
start(1,2) = circledatapoints(f,2);
if circledatapoints(f,:) == circledatapoints(f-1,:)
f = f+1;
Thanks in advance for your help! If something is unclear, please let me know :)

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 24 Jun 2020
I will use histogram, and get the indices.
clc; clear all ;
data = importdata("xycoords.txt") ;
x = data(:,1) ; y = data(:,2) ;
d = sqrt(x.^2+y.^2) ; % distance
b = 450:100:750 ; % make bins
[n,idx] = histc(d,b) ; % use histogram
hold on

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