Help vectorising for loop for kernel density

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I am having a devil of a time figuring out how to vectorise the following for loopp
dens = NaN(length(y),1);
for i=1:length(y)
dens(i) = (1/(n*h))*sum(kernel((Y-y(i))/h));
Where Y has 1000 points and y has 50 points, i think perhaps it could be done by subtracting each element in y from Y such that i get a 1000 by 50 matrix. And then i can sum across columns to get the result perhaps ? but that would requre some fairly large matrices for changed dimensions and i also dont know how to do it
any help will be greatly appreciated
Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 24 Nov 2012
Edited: Matt Fig on 24 Nov 2012
What are n and h, and where is the kernel function?
DoVile Last Name:
DoVile Last Name: on 24 Nov 2012
n = 1000 (number of simulated variables = length(Y), h is the bandwidth = 0.15 and the kernel function i have declared already so when the loop calls kernel(x) it should call that function, the function it self is:
K_Gauss =@(z) exp((-z.^2)./2)./sqrt(2*pi);

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Accepted Answer

Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 24 Nov 2012
Edited: Matt Fig on 24 Nov 2012
With these values for Y and y:
Y = rand(10,1)*10;
y = rand(5,1)*10;
This gives the same result as your FOR loop:
D = (1/(n*h))*sum(kernel(bsxfun(@minus,Y.',y)/h),2);
Here is the code I used to check the equality of the two approaches, in case it helps you:
Y = rand(1000,1)*10;
y = rand(50,1)*10;
dens = NaN(length(y),1);
n = length(Y);
h = .15;
kernel = @(z) exp((-z.^2)./2)./sqrt(2*pi);
for i=1:length(y)
dens(i) = (1/(n*h))*sum(kernel((Y-y(i))/h));
D = (1/(n*h))*sum(kernel(bsxfun(@minus,Y.',y)/h),2);
isequal(dens,D) % Check for equality.
Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 25 Nov 2012
So is it working now? Did you copy and paste my test code to see that it is working? Those dimensions are identical to my test code. Are you sure about the other variables being as I show, and the kernel function?
DoVile Last Name:
DoVile Last Name: on 25 Nov 2012
It unfortunately is not working, i accepted the answer by mistake :)
I tested the example code you posted and it works fine, however my main code still does not. I have zipped to a rar file here
Thanks alot for your help btw Matt, i am trying to get into the habbit of vectorizing my code.

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