clear all;
% close all;
%% Channel parameters
% psi_half is semi angle of LED.
psi_half = pi/180*60;
% m is Lambert’s mode number expressing directivity of the source beam.
m = -log10(2)/log10(cos(psi_half));
% psi_FOV is field of view angle of Receiver(Photo detector).
% * From the constant radiance theorem (also known as Etendue limit), the FOV of the receiver
% is related to the collection area of the lens Acoll and the photodetector area.
% A_coll*sin(psi_FOV/2)<=A_PD
% * Gain of optical (G_C) concentrator is related to FOV angle as:
% G_C = mu_C^2/(sin(psi_FOV))^2 ; 0<=theta_rx<=psi_FOV
% =0........................; theta_rx> psi_FOV
% * It is apparent that the concentrator gain increases when the FOV is reduced.
% * Constraint on FOV angle: psi_FOV<pi/2 .
psi_FOV = pi/3;
% mu_C is refractive index of optical concentrator lens. It's value lie in
% range [1 2] for VLC.
mu_C = 1.5;
% G_F is the gain of blue filter.
G_F = 1;
% For 20 MHz Noise Power is:
noisepower = 1e-20;
P_tx = 1;
% Efeective area of photodiode is represented by A_PD
A_PD = .01;
height = 2.5; % in units of meter.
a=5; % considering square room of area 20*20 meter^2.
%% Implementation of Analytical results.
alpha = (m+1)*height^(m+1)/(2*pi);
K = alpha^2;
%s = sym('s','real');
r_fov_anlytical = height*tan(psi_FOV);
d_fov_anlytical = height/cos(psi_FOV);
beta = 2*(m+3);
lambdaaxis_analytical= .05:.08:1.1;%10.^(-2:.3:1); % in units of per meter^2.
for lambdaIdx=1:length(lambdaaxis_analytical)
%% generation of optical attocels
locationMs=[0,0]; % Location of Mobile Station.
%% Distance Calculation
radius_vec = sqrt((locationattocels(1,:)).^2+(locationattocels(2,:)).^2);
%% Throwing out optical transmitter that doen't lie in FOV cone.
indices_analytical = find(distanceBS2MS_analytical>d_fov_anlytical);
r_i_vec = radius_vec;
indices_for_rlessthan_r_0 = find(r_i_vec>r_fov_anlytical);
r_i_vec(indices_for_rlessthan_r_0) = []; %removing those BS that have distance less than d_0.
distanceBS2MS_analytical(indices_analytical) = []; % Taking only those base stations that fall in FOV radius.
%% Finding nearest BS.
[~,iselecteddBS]=min(distanceBS2MS_analytical); % Selecting nearest basestations.
r_0 = min(r_i_vec);% radius of point where nearest bs is located.
%% Using Monte Carlo integration method.
r_vec = r_0:.01:r_fov_anlytical;
inner_integrand = @(x)(1-exp((-x.*(r_vec.^2+height.^2).^(-beta/2))./(d_0))).*r_vec;
integral1 = trapz(r_vec,(1-exp((-x.*(r_vec.^2+height.^2).^(-beta/2))./(d_0))).*r_vec);%sum((1-exp((-s.*(r_vec.^2+height.^2).^(-beta/2))./(d_0))).*r_vec);
This is the code I tried but it didn't gave the correct result. I wanna do it by integral2. Additionally if r_0 is empty then I wnt to make avg sinr zero.