The advantages and disadvantages of MATLAB

18 views (last 30 days)
what are the advantages and disadvantages of MATLAB as a program ?

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 1 Jun 2020
huumh......It is really tough question.......As a MATLAB addict, I dont see any disadvanatages so far else from it is being expensive. It has lot of advantages
  1. Easy to code.
  2. You can call any other programming language with MATLAB.
  3. MATLAB suppors GPU.
  4. MATLAB has many, many tool boxes.
  5. MATLAB got huge community, where many of the questions will be answered.
  6. MATLAB got good customer care support.
  7. MATLAB got good online tutoials.
  8. MATLAB conducts good events in the whole year.
The above are very few advantages which stike to me now, there could be many more which will be added by other active participants of the community.
Why you got such a trivial question?
Alaa Ghita
Alaa Ghita on 6 Jun 2020
Edited: Alaa Ghita on 6 Jun 2020
Thank you.
I was just wondering what makes MATLAB so different from other programs.and what are the special features in it. and what are the features that people would want it in the program.
KSSV on 6 Jun 2020
If you want to test your algorithm MATLAB makes your life very easy. I experiment my algorithm in MATLAB with ease and then convert it into C or FORTRAN.

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