How to make solve stop when a non-trivial solution is first found

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I have a system of quadratic equations I would like to solve, something like below:
syms q11 q12 q13 q21 q22 q23 q31 q32 q33
[q11_sol, q12_sol, q13_sol, q21_sol, q22_sol, q23_sol, q31_sol, q32_sol, q33_sol] = ...
q11*q22 == q12*q21*((T(1,1)*T(2,2))/(T(2,1)*T(1,2))), ...
q22*q33 == q23*q32*((T(2,2)*T(3,3))/(T(3,2)*T(2,3))), ...
q11*q33 == q13*q31*((T(1,1)*T(3,3))/(T(3,1)*T(1,3))), ...
q31^2 + q32^2 + q33^2 == 1, ...
q21^2 + q22^2 + q23^2 == 1, ...
q11^2 + q12^2 + q13^2 == 1, ...
q21*q31 + q22*q32 + q23*q33 == 0, ...
q11*q31 + q12*q32 + q13*q33 == 0, ...
q11*q21 + q12*q22 + q13*q23 == 0);
where T is some matrix I defined.
My issue is that solving this system takes a long time, and I just want one non-trivial solution (just one solution that doesn't have 0's or 1's or -1's in it).
Is there a way for me to tell the solve function to stop when a non-trivial solution is first found?
Tommi Muller
Tommi Muller on 1 Jun 2020
I mentioned that T is some predefined 3x3 matrix, but let's say for example that:
T = [-2/15, 8, 4; 2/5, -6, 6; -1/30, -1, 1/4];

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Accepted Answer

Abhisek Pradhan
Abhisek Pradhan on 5 Jun 2020
solve by default returns one of the many solutions. Now the problem lies in getting a solution which is not trivial. the following, link may help in working with full solution.

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