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Why does probabililty distribution for 3D matrix not work with NaN values?

4 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to calculate the critical probability for each grid point in a 3D matrix. To do so I have some sample data, calculated a test statistic and tested with a small sample to calculate the probability distribution and critical probability (all worked fine). Now I tried the same for the whole dataset (all grid points) and it won't work anymore, the code seems to stop when there are NaN values. My plan is to perform the calculation for each data point along the third dimension and skip each grid point, which is filled with NaN. This is where I am stuck now! I have tried several ways to omit NaNs but it doesn't seem to work.
This is the part of my code:
%% 2) calculate critical probability (lambda) for each grid point
f = zeros(size(U_stat,1),size(U_stat,2),100);
xi = zeros(size(U_stat,1),size(U_stat,2),100);
lambda_x_neg= zeros(size(U_stat,1),size(U_stat,2));
nonanlocs = ~isnan(U_stat);
for i = 1: size(U_stat,1)
for j = 1:size(U_stat,2)
% then calculate critical value lambda x for each grid point
lambda_x_neg(i,j) = xi(i,j,(find(f(i,j,:)<=0.05 & xi(i,j,:)<=0,1,'last')));
lambda_x_pos(i,j) = xi(i,j,(find(f(i,j,:)<=0.05 & xi(i,j,:)>0,1,'first')));
Many thanks for your help in advance!

Accepted Answer

darova on 23 May 2020
Try this way
%% 2) calculate critical probability (lambda) for each grid point
lambda_x_neg= zeros(size(U_stat,1),size(U_stat,2));
nonanlocs = ~isnan(U_stat);
f = U_stat*0;
xi = U_stat*0;
for i = 1: size(U_stat,1)
for j = 1:size(U_stat,2)
ix = nonanlocs(i,j,:)
[f(i,j,ix),xi(i,j,ix)] = ksdensity(squeeze(U_stat(i,j,ix)));
% then calculate critical value lambda x for each grid point
k1 = find(f(i,j,:)<=0.05 & xi(i,j,:)<=0,1,'last');
k2 = find(f(i,j,:)<=0.05 & xi(i,j,:)>0,1,'first');
lambda_x_neg(i,j) = xi(i,j,k1);
lambda_x_pos(i,j) = xi(i,j,k2);
darova on 24 May 2020
Add if statements inside for loop
for i = 1: size(U_stat,1)
for j = 1:size(U_stat,2)
ix = nonanlocs(i,j,:)
if any(ix)
[f(i,j,ix),xi(i,j,ix)] = ksdensity(squeeze(U_stat(i,j,ix)));
% then calculate critical value lambda x for each grid point
k1 = find(f(i,j,:)<=0.05 & xi(i,j,:)<=0,1,'last');
k2 = find(f(i,j,:)<=0.05 & xi(i,j,:)>0,1,'first');
lambda_x_neg(i,j) = xi(i,j,k1);
lambda_x_pos(i,j) = xi(i,j,k2);
lambda_x_neg(i,j) = nan;
lambda_x_pos(i,j) = nan;
Hanna H
Hanna H on 27 May 2020
Thanks a lot. I just had to change the index in the third dimension of the ouput variables f and xi in your suggestioned code and now its working!
[f(i,j,:),xi(i,j,:)] = ksdensity(squeeze(U_stat(i,j,ix)));

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More Answers (1)

KSSV on 22 May 2020
You can skip the computation using isnan. It gives you 1 as out put if number is nan and 0 if number is not a nan. Read about isnan.
if ~isnan(num)
% do what you want
You can also fill nan values using fillmissing. Or you can do inteprolation and get the values at the NaN's.

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