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Arrays from object properties within object arrays

2 views (last 30 days)
I want to know if there is an efficent way to extract an array of values from properties of objects in an object array. Let's say I have an class called 'car' with one property 'mpg' that is set with its constructor method.
prius = car(55); % create prius car and set mpg to 55
tacoma = car(22); % create tacoma car and set mpg to 22
Let's also say that I create an array of cars called inventory
inventory = [prius; tacoma];
Is there a way to extract the properties of all the cars as a vector without a 'for' loop? I know I could do the following
for i = 1:length(inventory)
mpg_list(i) = inventory(i).mpg;
but I would like a single line command like
mpg_list = inventory(:).mpg
If I execute the last line in the command window I get
mpg_list =
which is the first value, but I want all of them so that mpg_list = [55; 22].

Accepted Answer

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 19 May 2020
val = [inventory.mpg];

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