Loss and Fann function in app designer
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Asad Elmgerbi
on 18 May 2020
Answered: Reshma Nerella
on 7 Nov 2021
Dears ,
I have question regrading loss and fann functions applicabality in app desinger .
I have the following code which calls loss funmction , the function i saved at the same directory as m file .
My question how I can integrate it to the app design ?
here is the code for the functions
function MSE=loss(input)
global mdl expected ;
yp= predict(mdl,input);
Hope to get your help
Accepted Answer
Reshma Nerella
on 7 Nov 2021
You can call the .m or functions from app designer same as how we generally do it in Editor.
Additionally, you can take inputs through the app, send them as arguments to your functions and get the output back to the app designer and display them.
Fore more information, refer to the following documentation page: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/app-designer.html?s_tid=CRUX_lftnav
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