Can anyone help me salve the error "Not enough input aruments in line 15

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function [stnin stnout] = estimLocRMS(EDT, RMS, posterior, printit)
% [stnin stnout] = estimLocRMS(EDT, RMS, posterior, printit)
% This function estimate the entry and exit points of the STN based on
% liklihood probabilities calculated from previous surgeries
% Input parameters:
% EDT: array of estimated distance to target values (depth)
% RMS: array of normalized RMS values
% posterior: a structure containing the 3 2D posterior probabilities for each of the
% locations - pre, within and post STN
% printit: a flag indicating wheather to print the graph of probabilities.
% 1 to print, 0 not to print
% The 2D posterior probabilities for each of the locations
p_stn_given_edt_rms = posterior.p_stn_given_dep_rms ;
p_pre_given_edt_rms = posterior.p_pre_given_dep_rms ;
p_post_given_edt_rms = posterior.p_post_given_dep_rms ;
% the bins of the 2D plane of EDT and RMS
rmsbins = posterior.rmsbins;
depthbins = posterior.depthbins ;
pstn = [];
ppre = [] ;
ppost = [] ;
rej = [];
count = 0 ;
% loop through all EDT-RMS pairs and find their corresponding posterior
% probabilities in each of the locations
for i = 1:length(EDT)
rmsbin = find(histc(RMS(i),rmsbins));
depbin = find(histc(EDT(i), depthbins)) ;
% reject sessions which are out of the valid paremeters range
if isempty(rmsbin) | isempty(depbin)
rej = [rej i];
count = count + 1 ;
% find the posterior probability being in each of the location
% given the RMS and EDT
pstn(count) = p_stn_given_edt_rms(rmsbin, depbin);
ppre(count) = p_pre_given_edt_rms(rmsbin, depbin);
ppost(count) = p_post_given_edt_rms(rmsbin, depbin);
% remove the rejected sessions
RMS(rej) = [] ;
EDT(rej) = [] ;
% sort the session in descending order
[depsort,depind] = sort(EDT, 'descend');
% find the places where the probability to be within the STN is higher
% than being dorsal to it (preior)
optin = find(ppre(depind) < pstn(depind));
% find the first places where there are 2 succesive decisions of being
% within the STN
ent = find(diff(optin)==1);
stnin = EDT(optin(ent(1)));
% take the last place where the probability to be within the STN is
% still higher than being after (ventral) to the STN
optout = find(pstn(depind) > ppost(depind));
if (optout(end) == length(EDT))
ind = optout(end);
ind = optout(end)+1;
stnout = EDT(ind);
% print the RMS and the system's borders decisions
if printit
ax1 = gca ;
h1 = bar(ax1, depsort,RMS(depind));
set(h1, 'FaceColor', 'w')
set(ax1, 'XDir', 'reverse'); %, 'YLim', [0.4e-5 2.8e-5]
'XLim', [-6 10]...
ylabel('Normalized RMS');
ax2 = axes('Position',get(ax1, 'Position'),...
'XLim', [-6 10],...
hold on
% color coding for the posterior probabilities of the 3 locations
stnc = 'r' ; prec = 'b'; postc = 'g' ;
plot(ax2, depsort, pstn(depind), stnc, depsort, ppre(depind), prec,depsort, ppost(depind), postc, 'LineWidth', 2)
set(ax1, 'XLim', [get(ax2, 'XLim')]);
set(ax2, 'XDir', 'reverse', 'YLim', [0 1.5], 'YTick', [0 .5 1])
lh = legend('In STN Probability', 'Before STN Probability', 'After STN Probability','Location', 'NorthWest');
set(lh, 'Color', 'none');
arrpos = get(ax1, 'YLim');
ar1 = line([stnin stnin], [0 arrpos(2)-0.5], 'Color', 'r', 'LineStyle', '--');
ar2 = line([stnout stnout], [0 arrpos(2)-0.5],'Color', 'r', 'LineStyle', '--');

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 18 May 2020
EDT = your value ;
RMS = your value ;
posteriror = your value ;
printit = you value ;
[stnin stnout] = estimLocRMS(EDT, RMS, posterior, printit) ;
You have to define all the inout variables, and then call the function in the workspace. Don't striaght away run the function.

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