Phasor representation of complex numbers
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Aleem Andrew
on 20 Apr 2020
Commented: Star Strider
on 25 Jun 2022
Instead of typing (3+4i)*(i), how can I multiply two complex numbers in phasor form, in this case
(5∠(arctan(4/3))*(∠90), and convert the result to rectangular form? I have tried representing the complex numbers as [r theta], but typing [5 arctan(4/3)]*[1 90] does not give the correct answer.
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 20 Apr 2020
Converting to phasor representation is definitely taking the long way round.
If you must:
r2p = @(x) [abs(x) rad2deg(angle(x))]; % Rectangular -> Phasor
p2r = @(x) x(1)*exp(1i*deg2rad(x(2))); % Phasor -> Rectangular
pm = @(x,y) [x(1)*y(1) x(2)+y(2)]; % Phasor Multiply
pd = @(x,y) [x(1)/y(1) x(2)-y(2)]; % Phasor Divide
x = 3+4i;
xp = r2p(x);
yp = [1 90];
xptimesyp = pm(xp,yp)
xrtimesyr = p2r(xptimesyp)
Check = x * p2r(yp)
xptimesyp =
5 143.13
xrtimesyr =
-4 + 3i
Check =
-4 + 3i
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