How do I simulate a microgrid to which is applied reinforcement learning using Simulink and Simscape?

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I have to simuate using Simulink and Simscape a microgrid to which is applied reinforcment learning. I am having troubles on finding a starting point to this since it is a new field and I don't find some examples on this topic.
I am trying to take inspiration from the following paper: but I don't have to simulate this, I am just using it as a guideline to follow.
I have found some videos made by Mathworks on how to build a microgrid, but they use some blocks the have build and that are not on the blockset, and moreover I don't know hot to apply reinforcment learning to the microgrid.
Can somebody help me understand how to operate and/or link me some material that can help me understand how to do this simulation using Simulink and Simscape?
Thanks in advance.

Accepted Answer

Tony Lennon
Tony Lennon on 20 Apr 2020
I'll pass this along to some people who work in reinforcment learning. In the meantime, may I suggest that you look at these resources?
Use Simulink and Simscape™ models to represent an environment. Specify the observation, action, and reward signals within the model.

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More Answers (1)

Zeyue Sun
Zeyue Sun on 27 Aug 2022
Hi Flavio,
I have the same question as you do. Do you konw how to apply DQN on battery energy management system?


More Answers in the  Power Electronics Control


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