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Opening a sap2000 model?

3 views (last 30 days)
Abdelrahman Taha
Abdelrahman Taha on 3 Apr 2020
Commented: IB Ugur on 26 May 2020
I am trying to open a sap2000.v20 model in matlab. I've already done some search and tried some of the methods presented in answeres to questions of some fellas.
The First method i tried is the one explained here:
and I get this error: "Unable to resolve the name SapModel.File."
And the second one is this:
for which i got this error: "Server creation failed. Invalid ProgID 'Sap2000v20.SapObject'."
Any help would be really appreciated.
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IB Ugur
IB Ugur on 26 May 2020
These OAPI functions are for older versions of SAP2000. You should use new functions in Csi OAPI documentation of v20.

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