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FSK and Adalm-Pluto

11 views (last 30 days)
Andrea Carroll
Andrea Carroll on 13 Mar 2020
Commented: Andrea Carroll on 16 Mar 2020
I am getting some errors in the following code;
%Creating transmission object
txPluto = sdrtx('Pluto','RadioID','usb:0','CenterFrequency',2.4e9, ...
%creating receiver object
rx = sdrrx('Pluto','RadioID','usb:0','CenterFrequency',2.4e9, ...
%Creating fsk modulator and demodulator objects
fskMod = comm.FSKModulator(2,1000,100);
fskDemod = comm.FSKDemodulator(2,1000,100);
%Creating array of data
data = randi([0 1],5,1);
%Modulating the data using FSK scheme
modSignal = step(fskMod,data)
%Transmitting singal
%Releasing the transmitter
%Capturing the data from the receiver
%Demodulating the signal to attain the original data
At the moment the final line is not working. I get the following error message: "The input data type must be double precision or single precision."
In addition, when the arrays modSignal and data are not the same. Does anyone know why this is?
--Cheers, A

Accepted Answer

Sriram Tadavarty
Sriram Tadavarty on 14 Mar 2020
Hi Andrea,
The error can be solved when the variable data passed to fskDemod is type casted to double. Update the following in the code:
The purpose of this update is due the different type provided by capture, based on the input length. Here are more details about what the data type of data would be while using the capture function of Pluto. (Go through output arguments sections)
Regarding the dimensions of modSignals and data. The property 'SamplesPerSymbol' of FSKModulator decides it. The defult value is 17. So, the output length is the product of SamplesPerSymbol and length of input, i.e. 17*5 = 85. For more derails on the usage of object, go through
Hope this helps.
Andrea Carroll
Andrea Carroll on 14 Mar 2020
Thanks, I will have a look into those links and if there are any further problems, I'll get back to you!
--cheers, A
Andrea Carroll
Andrea Carroll on 16 Mar 2020
Hi Sriram,
Would you know how to implement a simple FSK transmission model using the Adalm-Puto SDR on simulink? The example of QPSK you sent above is still quite complex and not intuitive to understand.
thanks, A

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